30 April 2009

Kunci Cinta Kasih I

Konon, kata Cinta adalah singkatan dari 'Cita-cita Indah Namun Tak Abadi'.

Ah ternyata bagiku.... Cinta itu begitu indah, karena cinta adalah karunia Allah Yang Maha Indah dan saaaaangat mencintai keindahan. Dan kalau kita jujur, kita dan anak-anak kita terlahir karena efek samping dari cinta. Cinta yang tulus, maupun cinta yang dipaksakan.

Ada beberapa orang yang menganggap bahwa cinta itu neraka, bahkan ada yang sampai menutup diri dan hatinya dari cinta. Mohon sebelum keputusan itu mengakar kepada hati dan jiwa Anda, sebaiknya baca dulu artikel ini. Siapa tahu, setelah membaca "Kunci Cinta Kasih" akan mencair kebekuan hati Anda.

Hidup cuma sekali, sesudah itu mati. Sungguh sia-sia hidup yang berharga ini, kalau dijalani sendiri dan menyendiri tanpa mencintai siapa-siapa dan merasa dicintai oleh siapa-siapa.

" Puncak kebahagiaan di dalam cinta kasih adalah apabila kita merasa sang kekasih bisa memahami dan menerima diri kita apa adanya, dengan segala kekurangan dan kelebihannya. Demikian juga sang kekasih kita, akan merasa aman dan nyaman dengan diri kita apabila kita mau dan mampu memahami dan menerima sang kekasih apa adanya dengan segala kebaikkan dan kekurangannya".

Jika Anda merasa bahagia apabila sang kekasih berperilaku seperti yang Anda inginkan dan merasa tidak bahagia apabila kekasih berperilaku kebalikannya. Atau sang kekasih merasa bahagia apabila Anda berperilaku seperti yang dia inginkan dan tidak bahagia apabila berperilaku tidak sesuai dengan kemauannya, maka pada hakekatnya Anda dan Sang Kekasih Anda tidak sedang mencintai siapa-siapa, kecuali mencintai dirinya sendiri!!! Jalinan cinta dan kasih sayangnya hanya dijadikan media untuk melegalkan pemenuhan hasrat di dalam memuaskan dorongan hawa nafsunya sendiri.

Kesimpulannya adalah apabila Anda menginginkan jalinan asmara anda bisa mencapai puncak kebahagiaan, maka kerahkan segala akal dan daya Anda untuk bisa memahami dan menerima sang kekasih apa adanya. Bicarakan hal ini dengan kekasih Anda, kalau dia setuju untuk berbuat hal yang sama kepada Anda, maka bersyukurlah kepada Allah, karena Anda sekarang sudah memegang salah satu "Kunci Cinta Kasih". Pertahankan dan peliharalah, jangan sampai patah, jangan sampai rusak dan jangan sampai hilang. 'Apalah arti sebuah kunci, apabila dia tiada'.

Semoga Allah SWT, membukakan hati yang tertutup, mencairkan hati yang membeku dan menghangatkan hati yang dingin!!!

12 April 2009

Pengumuman Wastu's FaceBook

Bagi Anda yang ingin memperluas jaringan pertemanan melalui fasilitas gratis dari 'FaceBook', silahkan daftar (bagi yang belum punya account) atau login (bagi yang sudah punya account) melalui blog saya ini. Dijamin 'cepet lan ora njlimet'.
Jika anda mendaftar sekarang, halaman khusus FaceBook Anda belum bisa diakses, tetapi dalam waktu satu sampai tiga hari berikutnya pasti halaman khusus itu sudah jadi dan siap Anda isi berbagai macam hal. Silahkan masuk atau Login ke halaman FaceBook Anda dengan menggunakan alamat E-Mail dan Password yang Anda gunakan untuk mendaftarkan diri. Jadi jangan sampai lupa dengan alamat E-Mail dan Password Anda. itu.

Caranya klik saja di sini: 'Wastu's FaceBook' atau di sebelah kanan atas dari halaman blog saya.
a. Untuk Daftar -> Klik kotak hijau yang ada tulisannya Daftar -> Isi semua data yang diminta.
b. Untuk Login -> masukkan E-Mail dan Password Anda pada kotak yang disediakan di
kanan atas -> Klik kotak biru yang ada tulisannya masuk.

Selamat bergabung, semoga bermanfaat.

11 April 2009

The device can perform faster. This usb device can perform faster if you connect it to a hi-speed usb 2.0 port

“The device can perform faster. This usb device can perform faster if you connect it to a hi-speed usb 2.0 port. For a list of available port, click here”.

Pesan tersebut kadang-kadang muncul di pojok kanan bawah PC atau Laptop tertentu saja, pada saat kita mencolokkan media penyimpan data eksternal ke USB portnya.

Pesan itu berarti Windows mengenali bahwa ‘performance’ media penyimpan data seperti : ‘usb flashdisk’, ‘external harddisk’, ‘MP4 player’ atau ‘digital camera’yang ditancapkan tersebut sebenarnya bisa cepat dalam melaksanakan transfer data baik dalam hal ‘read’ (baca data) atau ‘write’ (ditulisi/diisi data) apabila dikoneksikan pada port yang tepat. Dan kita disarankan memilih port yang tersedia pada daftar port yang ada pada pc atau laptop.

Beberapa Motherbord biasanya mengaktifkan port dengan USB 1.0 driver sebagai defaultnya. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk mensuport media penyimpan data eksternal generasi pendahulu yang umumnya mempunyai kapasitas penyimpanan data yang sedikit.

Pada saat ini kapasitas media penyimpan data eksternal sudah tidak dalam hitungan giga bite lagi, tetapi sudah mencapai bilangan ‘tera bite’. Kemampuan tersebut otomatis harus didukung oleh ‘driver’ yang mampu mendongkrak kecepatan dalam hal ‘read’ atau ‘write’ media tersebut. Driver usb port yang cocok untuk itu adalah driver usb 2.0. Nah pesan di atas menunjukkan adanya ketidak cocokan antara media penyimpan data yang sedang dikoneksikan dengan driver usb port yang aktif.

Trik atau cara mengatasinya mudah yaitu dengan cara mengubah setting biosnya saja, langkah-langkahnya sebagai berikut:
1. Start atau restart PC atau Laptop Anda.
2. Setup BIOS.

Enter Setup Bios caranya berbeda-beda tergantung merk motherboardnya. Biasanya kode perintah untuk setup Bios ditunjukkan di layar monitor pada saat PC atau laptop sedang booting. Motherboard Asus menggunakan perintah tekan tombol “Del”, Motherboard Intel menggunakan tekan tombol “F2”.
3. Ubah Setting Bios.
Tampilan dari layar bios juga berbeda-beda bergantung pada versi dan produsen dari Bios tersebut. Sebagai contoh untuk trik ini saya gunakan tiga macam CMOS Setup Utility, dua dari American Megatrends, Inc, tetapi dengan versi yang berbeda dan satunya lagi dari Intel.
A. American Megatrends, Inc
- Arahkan cursor pada Tab Features Setup dengan menggunakan tombol panah, lalu
tekan enter.
- Pilih ‘enabled’ untuk opsi pada ‘Onboard IR Port, Onboard USB Function dan USB Function
for DOS’.
- Tekan F10 lalu tekan Ok, untuk save dan exit dari Setup Bios.
- Restart PC atau Labtop.
- Selesai, coba tancapkan kembali Flashdisk Anda. Apabila pesan tidak keluar lagi berarti sukses.

B. American Megatrends, Inc
Bios Versi V02.53.
- Arahkan cursor pada Tab Advanced, terus ke USB Configuration.
- Pilih ‘Enabled’ untuk opsi pada ‘USB Function, USB 2.0 Controler’.
- Pilih ‘Full Speed = 12 MBps atau Hispeed = 460 MBps’ opsi pada USB 2.0 Controller mode.
- Tekan F10 lalu tekan oke untuk save dan exit dari Setup Bios.
- Restart PC atau Labtop.
- Selesai, coba tancapkan kembali Flashdisk Anda. Apabila pesan tidak keluar lagi berarti sukses.

C. Motherboard Intel dengan BIOS Version PRG3110H.86A.0057.2008.0909.1454
1. Start / Restart PC atau Laptop Anda.
2. Saat layar booting tekan F2.
3. Arahkan cursor pada Tab Advance, arahkan lagi ke opsi USB Configuration, lalu
tekan tombol enter.
- USB Ports Enabled : pilih 'Enabled'
- USB Legacy : pilih 'Enabled'
4. Tekan F10, lalu tekan OK untuk 'save dan exit'.
5. Koneksikan FD/HD eksternal Anda. Kalau pesan tadi tidak muncul lagi berarti

07 April 2009

Perbandingan antara OS Windows dan OS Linux

1. Instalasi Osnya mudah, baik yang awal maupun yang istalasi ulang.
2. Instalasi driver dari hardware mudah karena memang sudah didukung oleh banyak vendor.
3. Operasionlnya sangat familier karena kita sudah lebih lama kenal.
4. Konfigurasi sistemnya mudah.
5. Support untuk lebih banyak hardware dan software.
6. Mudah mencari tukang servicenya karena banyak yang bisa.

1. Harganya Osnya sangat mahal, terutama untuk ukuran masyarakat kelas bawah.
2. Dilindungi oleh regulasi dan proteksi yang sangat ketat. Satu CD Installer hanya untuk 1 PC atau Laptop.
3. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas kinerja harus didukung spesifikasiHardware yang tinggi. Misalnya untuk bisa menginstal Windows 7 dengan baik, spesifikasi minimum hardware yang diperlukan adalah, sbb:
a. Prosesor 32-bit atau 64-bit minimal 1 GHz .
b. Sistem Memori minimal 1 GB.
c. Free space pada harddisk minimal 16 GB.
d. Graphic Card Support DirectX 9. Minimal memori 128 MB, agar windows Aero berfungsi.
e. Memiliki DVD ROM untuk instalasinya.
4. Terlalu banyak varian virus, worm, adware/malware dan trojan yang siap setiap saat memanfaatkan kelemahan Windows.
5. Tidak bisa mengenali ‘File System’ selain FAT, FAT 32 dan NTFS. Sehingga data atau file yang formatnya di luar ke tiga ‘file system’ di atas, OS Windows tidak bisa membaca atau mengaksesnya.



Linux merupakan OS ‘open source’ oleh karena itu bermacam-macam, antara lain: Mandriva , Mandrake, Susse, Ubuntu dan masih banyak lagi variannya, misalnya: Linux OS, IGOS, REDHAT, dll.

1. Murah karena Cuma mengganti ongkos ‘burning’ dan kirim.
2. Sekali Install : OS, Aplikasi Office, Aplikasi Musik & Video, Aplikasi paint, Aplikasi foto, musik & video editing, Aplikasi Kompres file, Browser, driver hardware, games, dll, sudah langsung terinstall. Sebagian besar instan, tinggal pakai saja.
3. Selain mengenali ‘file system’nya sendiri seperti root, ext, swap dll, juga bisa membaca ‘file system’ nya Windows. Sehingga semua data, misalnya: word, excel, power point, publisher yang dibuat Windows bisa diakses oleh Linux.
4. CD Installer bisa digandakan dan dibagikan bebas, kecuali program yang berlisensi harus dengan persyaratan tertentu yang lebih ringan.
5. Untuk meningkatkan kinerja setingkat Windows, software dan hardware tidak semahal Windows. Sebagai bandingannya untuk menginstal Mandriva 2009 yang dekstopnya lebih bagus dari Vista, cukup dibutuhkan spesifikasi hardware 1/2 dari yang dibutuhkan Vista.
6. Lebih stabil / tidak gampang “Crash System”.
7. Jarang diserang Virus.
8. Loadingnya enteng.

1. Operasionalnya kurang familier, terutama bila harus menggunakan ‘Command Line”. Tetapi kalau sudah terbiasa pasti mudah.
2. Instalasi Hardware dan Software tambahan lebih sulit karena vendor yang menyediakan driver versi Linux tidak sebanyak di Windows. Tetapi kalian jangan pesimis. Banyak pakar linux yang akan dengan sukarela membantu melalui situs web maupun blog mereka. Saya yakin, karena jumlah pemakai Linux semakin banyak, di kemudian hari pasti jumlah vendor yang menyediakan sofware dan driver khusus linux akan terus bertambah.
3. Dukungan tukang service tidak sebanyak Windos.
4. Kurangnya buku panduan dan guru-guru Linux.

ANDA mengalami kesulitan tentang hardware dan Software silahkan hubungi situs:


05 April 2009

Serial Number or CD Key Collections" Part IV (Mixed)

Steganos = Internet=20 Anonym Pro 6.0.8---123-097-109-047-164
3D Studio = Max 4=20 "Magma" CD-Fix: 226-19791979 & Fix: XLSQBQ
ACDSee 50 Fix = Number:=20 664-828-790-472-030-541
Adobe acrobat 5.0 Writer Fix Number:=20 KWW500R7150122-128
Adobe GoLive v6.0 Fix Number:=20 1033-1127-2515-4365-9787-1611
Adobe Illustrator 10 Fix Number:=20 1034-0021-7155-9289-4954-2867
Adobe InDesign 2.0=20 = *FINAL*
Ado= be=20 LiveMotion v2.0
Fix Number: = 1038-1122-4403-2805-2740-1096
Adobe=20 Pagemaker 7.0 UK
Fix Number: = 1039-1121-2998-7586-7388-7545
Adobe=20 Photoshop 7
Fix Number: 1045-1209-6738-4668-7696-2783 of
Fix = Number:=20 1045-0009-2130-3302-1733-9518
Adobe Photoshop 6 NL
Fix = Number:=20 PWW400R7106337-339
Adobe premiere 6 Volledige versie Eng
Fix = Number:=20 MBW600R7100765-881
Ahead Nero Burning Rom 5590
Fix Number: = OEM:=20 1506-1129-7023-4744-2829-5026
Fix Number: OEM:=20 1505-1502-4058-2393-3602-2852
Adventure Pinball: Forgotten=20 Island
Fix Number: 0901-3066676-3327010-9227
American = McGee's Alice=20 in Wonderland
Fix Number:2000-0112900-0010978-3379
Auto FX:=20 Photo/Graphic Edges 5.0
Fix Number:=20 71-296487474-0617999-P1200380735
AutoCad 2002
Fix Number:=20 400-12345678
CD-Fix: T4ED6P
AutoDesk Inventor v5.0 = FINAL
Choose=20 *** SINGLE USER *** Fix: 444-44444444
Babylon = 4.x
Naam: Babylon
Licence Code: 10C920F00F4C17B0
Bicycle = Casino=20 2002 =C2=A9 Microsoft
Kopieer "bcasino.exe" va CD directory = "src_data" naar=20 de GameDir op HD
Black&White=20 NL
Black&White: Eiland vol=20 wezens
EERST Black&White zelf instaleren, anders wordt er = een Fix=20 gevraagt
en dat werkt niet
Boris FX 6.0
Fix Number:=20 123456-123456-12349
Boris 2.1
Fix Number:=20 AG0303-06447777-15M17
Boris Red v1.53
Fix Number:=20 123708-326183-00615
Britannica 2002 Deluxe
Fix Number:=20 590F00178449
Britannica 2001
Fix Number: = 350f00043894
Bryce=20 4
Fix Number: BF00WBB-0000000-CUY
CDRWin 5.0 NL
Fix = Number:=20 5CC8R-DEVJR-566LZ-DVM65-7QQB9
CloneCd 4.xxx
username: = CloneCd
Fix=20 Number:
1082169BD60E795928838A2D95FD9FC45719ED2904D3161DEA=20 6376A
7428086BEB10F8EE9860E23E6E44A04CA5F4BE7C3818A0F9A8=20 2BEB4
Code:=20 R2WG-4VE1-67D6-6LFJ
Code: = 0ZSK-4A1B-4W0W-5LFJ
Code:=20 4RT8-16U8-YY1B-4LFJ
Command & Conquer: Renegade
Fix = Number:=20 056894-929488-118387-9679
Command & Conquer: = Generals
Fix=20 Number: After Installed the game, When prompted for a Fix, pick 1 = from the=20 list=20 = below.
3496-= 5109968-3484992-5863
9722-8289078-1586124= -6505
2586-7= 722941-9698255-2218
4)=20 Copy over generals.exe and game.dat from the Fix dir on CD1.
5) = And=20 then play : Have fun!
Command & Conquer Red Alert: Yuri's=20 Revenge:
Fix Number: 020736-428526-011875-6507
Cakewalk Home = Studio=20 2002
Fix Number: CWHS1.02-002688
CDRWIN V5.02.000 = *NL*
Fix=20 Number: 5CC8R-DEVJR-566L2-DVM65-7QQB9
Comanche 4
Fix Number: = 3S2D-FLT1-CLS2-RULE-7865
Corel Painter 7
Fix Number:=20 PF70CRD-2564458-SZH
Corel WordPerfect 2002
Fix Number:=20 WXPNR-20K2809095
Davilex BusinessBox
Fix Number: 656T TUE = AYKP of=20 6D6H T3E AQUU
of EDXH 236 AQUS of 65XT T36 KYUE
of EDXH 236 = KQKX of=20 656H T36 KYKD
of ED6H TU6 AYKY of 656H TUE AQU7
Davilex = Account=20 2001
Fix Number: E5XH-T36-AQKK
Denda Web pro 2.0
Fix = Number:=20 1235WPR2NL-001018
Diablo II
Diablo=20 II: Lord of Destruction
DVD2one = 1.0.2=20 Fix
04g0m7mWXXMz9fOwUu5WLQqmkvniFI2894sycHXWp029rAOYu5=20 = ixVfhJsIBbLxM9EjkuP2mdfnN99C0Q7+4trTfFjj
x28ASd7bCM37z4nPtWMTwfJ7cq2EY= 1O+iOjzGMROrlLpadl+vN=20 4ZpWG5znMgSWa03cXjUm6c8MNZmyMZ4c
Easy CD Creator Platinum 5.02=20 NL
Fix Number: G-332NB-MGJNH-ZFVPB
Easy Travel=20 3
Emperor: Battle for=20 = Dune
036666-= 666666-666666-2921
Exact=20 Compact Zakelijk 3
Controle getal: 60FE8454
Licentienummer:=20 D000018001
Licentienaam: Exact Compact Zakelijk = 3
Licentiecode:=20 400004032304
Opties: Handmatig
Extra Opties:
1 2 3 4 5 6 = 7 8 9=20 10
A 8 9 15 17 18 24 45 75 150 398
B 550 600 = 700
Wachtwoord:=20 9BA57CA0
CDKEY: 0101-1184554
Exact E-account: = 2002
Controlegetal:=20 3C144757
Licentienummer: L226480002
Licentienaam: Beljon=20 Meubels
Licentiecode: 400004016314
Opties: handmatig
1 2 = 3 4 5 6=20 7
A 15 17 30 75 550 600 700
Controlegetal =3D = 987
Wachtwoord:=20 9885BA08
F1 2002
Fix Number: 7931-9865028-60248651156
F1=20 Championship Season 2000
FA Premier = League=20 Manager 2002
CrackFiles staan in = de=20 directory "Razor"
Fifa 2002
bij de vraag een Fix in te = voeren gewoon=20 doorgaan met de installatie
Fifa World Cub 2002
Fix Number:=20 0901-3482564-1716312-0441
FinalRender Stage-0 v1.0 for 3DS Max=20 4.2
If you dont allready have Cebas' Clamp system = installed,
install=20 the one we have included with the clamp-system.exe
Install FR=20 (finalrender.exe) and choose Full Modeling License
Fix Number:=20 TRINITY
CD-Fix: 4QPG
Start the plugin and enter the hardware = lock=20 and Fix
into the Fix found in the \Fix directory on the = CD
Select=20 your '\3dsmax4\plugcfg\' directory and click "generate"
restart = 3DS Max=20 and enjoy
Finale 2002
Fix Number: DVDA-002112
Flash 5 Eng = Full=20 Version
Fix Number: FLW500-03143-77238-80660
Get it on CD=20 3.0
Global = Operations
Fix Number:=20 5000-0000000-0000000-5021
Gore (Game)
Info en Fix in de = directory=20 "Razor" op de CD !!
Half Life: Game of the Year = edition
CDKey:=20 4336-04196-6119
Half Life
CDkey: 6854-70292-7447
Harry = Potter=20 Game tbv. Eng-Talige installatie
CD Fix=20 0901-7014788-4117807-0206
Instant CD and DVD Maker 6.5
Fix = Number:=20 21302-4999924-39514
Kingdom Under Fire Gold Edition
Fix = Number: (in=20 LAN every player should use his own)
KPT=20 effects
Fix Number: TF70CUM-0190331-MHS
NHL 2002
Fix = Number:=20 1000-2003004-0000000-4g04
Macromedia Director 8.5 Shockwave=20 Studio
Fix Number: WDW850-02044-87235-26420
MacroMedia = FreeHand=20 10
Fix Number: FHW100-00654-47258-19356
Medal of Honor: = Allied=20 Assault
Copy the exe from the /Fix dir on CD 2 after you = install
Fix=20 Number: 5000-0000000-0000000-5068
Micrografx Picture Publisher = 10=20 Digital Camera Edition
Fix Number: DC1001XX03192
Microsoft=20 FlightSimm 2002 Addon: Downunder 2002
Microsoft Flightsimm = Addon "Mad=20 Dog 2000"
Fix Number: 6754-IPZ4XY
Microsoft Flightsimmulator = 2000=20 Addon "Amsterdam =3D> Schiphol"
Fix Number: = 6836-0462C1
Microsoft=20 FrontPage 2000 NL
Fix Number:=20 dt3ft-bfh4m-gyyh8-pg9c3-8k2fj
Microsoft Frontpage 2002 NL DY6WQ = D3FYG=20 V89BY 8KPG9 8YW9M
Microsoft Office XP
Fix Number:=20 fm9fy-tmf7q-kckct-v9t29-tbbbg
Microsoft Office 2000 Plus = Pakket
Fix=20 Numberes: X06-06234-J0081627
Microsoft Outlook 2002 NL DY6WQ = D3FYG=20 V89BY 8KPG9 8YW9M
Microsoft Publisher 2000 NL
Fix Number:=20 GC6J3-GTQ62-FP876-94FBR-D3DX8
Microsoft Publisher 2002 NL DY6WQ = D3FYG=20 V89BY 8KPG9 8YW9M
MicroSoft Train Simulator: Activity = Pack
Fix=20 Number: 6850-YV6AYS6B
Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise = 6.0
Fix=20 Number: 808-5476481 of
Fix Number: 666-6666666
MP3Attck DVD = alle=20 versies: Fix: mp3attack2002 (alles kleine letters)
MovieJack = II
Fix=20 Number: 22S0H-JPCZ4-505T1-HZF71-6E835
MotoRacer 3
Fix = Number: EEN=20 "nul" invullen en installatie hervatten.
vanuit de directory = "Win2000=20 en XP fix" de bestanden naar harde schijf
copieren en bestaande = overschrijven, dus naar:
c:\DelphineSoft\Moto Racer 3
Nascar = Racing=20 2002 Season
Fix Number: RAF2-RAL2-RAS2-RAX2-6667
Nero: = Burning Rom=20 (volledige CD versie)
Fix Number:=20 1505-1923-6904-2076-3903-0613
Never WinterNights
Newtek LightWave 3D = 7.0 Full=20 CD
Kies voor "Custom" installatie !!!
NHL 2002
Fix = Number:=20 1000-2003004-0000000-4904
OmniPage 11 NL
Fix Number:=20 2809A-G00-401014
OmniPage 12 NL
Fix Number: = 2889N-LIS-OROCKS
Onyx=20 4
CD Fix: powerdisc
Onyx 5
CD Fix: funnygame
Onyx = 6
CD Fix:=20 superstar21
Onyx 7
CD Fix: onyxdvdoutnow
Onyx 8
CD = Fix:=20 merrychristmastoall
Onyx 9
CD Fix: = mp3attackcomingsoon
Onyx=20 10
CD Fix: dontforgetmadeabackup
Onyx 6 DVD
CD Fix:=20 haveanicedaytoplay
Onyx 7 DVD
CD Fix: dvdsummer2002
Onyx = 8=20 DVD
CD Fix: globethesummer2002
Onyx DVD = 9
CD Fix:=20 onyxcrazysuffdvd
Onyx DVD 10
CD Fix: = getallofthebeststuffnow
Onyx=20 DVD 11
CD Fix: getmoregreatstuff
Onyx DVD 12
CD Fix:=20 h@ppynewyear2al
Onyx DVD 13 TaxFree
CD Fix:=20 perrmanent@yourservice
Onyx dvd 14
CD Fix:=20 dontlosethisnicerelease
Pinnacle Express 1.01
Fix:=20 9999999999
Pinnacle Systems Impression DVD Pro 2.2
Fix:=20 IMP2V-PRO-000123-54W
KeyCode: 23038332666
Then reboot, and = after=20 reboot copy the EXE from CD to installed directory.
Pinnacle = Studio 7=20 NL Volledige Versie
Fix Number: 4910142498
Pinnacle Studio = DV Plus=20 v1.10.19 Multilanguage (NL)
Fix Number: 4902608365
Pinnacle=20 InstantCopy
Fix Number: = aaouq-aajkp-mblfq-ynpha-bigca
PowerDVD XP=20 v4.0 Deluxe
CD-Fix: MV55F17758841285
CD-Fix:=20 DX5936897N425377
PowerQuest PartitionMagic Version=20 7.0
Quake 3: Team Arena
Fix Number:=20 TSBH-7CCG-DPWP-B2LT-84
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Fix = Number:=20 clal-a7wj-dtsj-warp-88
Route 66 Europa Pro 2001/2002
Fix = Number:=20 147DRYU497236
Roxio WinOnCD PowerEdition 5.02
Fix Number:=20 023KQ-00000275Q
(Roxio) Easy CD Creator 5.0 Platinum = (iso)
Fix=20 Number -7TGQ4-G06CM-N5G1L
Roxio Easy Cd Dvd Creator 6.0
Fix = Number:=20 BD-JWZS4-QX3MR-0241L
Scan & Beheer
Fix Number:=20 108490787408
Fix Number: = 1600-0052410-0052410-6424
Shop=20 Factory Pro versie 4.40
Code: 011051218322
email:=20 = vantmas*naplesnews.net
----------------------------= -------------------------------------------
Shop=20 Factory Developer
email:=20 = terra*terrabyte.com
-----------------------------------------= ------------------------------
Shop=20 Factory 3D Database import
email:=20 terra*terrabyte.com
SimCity 4000
Fix Number:=20 NCM4-RHYX-6QMX-DX4M Sim Coaster
Fix Number:=20 2001-0013101-0010978-2823
Soldier Of Fortune II: Double = Helix
Fix=20 Number: MTKW-FTMK-EMFE-W3P3-B7
Steinberg QuadraFuzz = v1.01
Fix=20 Number: 339-26530
Sub Command: Seawolf Akula
Fix Number: 688 = 0901-1315206-2102812-3248
The Sims: Vacation
Fix Number:=20 1500-9874009-0973804-6601
Tiger Woods PGA Golf 2002
Fix = Number:=20 5000-0000000-0000000-5045
TravelManager 6 CD's
Fix Number:=20 21009267
Ulead DVD Movie Factory v1.0
Fix Number:=20 11102-61000-00081685
Ulead MediaStudio Pro 6.5
Fix Number:=20 12202-26500-00048114
Fix Number:=20 2500-0911911-0911911-2705
Universal Translator Pro
Fix = Number:=20 KRA111464Y3QT
Vandale Woordenboeken Plus Versie
KlantCode: = leeg=20 laten !!
LicentieCode: 5MNSP347FJD
Visio 2000 = Enterpirise
Fix=20 Number: 123165-500133
Web Pro! NL
Fix Number:=20 4861-w2prd-650056
Windows '98SE NL
Fix Number:=20 BXCRM-MTPTW-7WRKK-P7242-X86HW
Fix Number:=20 H37QG-F6XH9-P3KTW-M2W7B-KM62W
Fix Number:=20 C83YC-XT3JG-239MT-2PQ6D-FYB6B
Fix Number:=20 KFV8Y-7HHWT-K8B69-83V4F-773FB
MS Windows 98 SE NL=20 MHMP3-37XCR-CRMPM-C2M9M-4G4BD
Ms Windows 98 SE NL -=20 HQ6K2-QPC42-3HWDM-BF4KJ-W4XWJ
k4hvd-q= 9th9-6crx9-c9g68-rq2d3
Windows=20 '98SE VS Fix: K4HVD - Q9TJ9 - 6CRX9 - C9G68 - RQ2D3
Windows = 2000=20 Professional (NT 5) Eng
Fix Number:=20 VXKC4-2B3YF-W9MFK-QB3DB-9Y7MB
Windows 2000 Professional (NT 5)=20 NL
Windows 2000 = Server=20 NL
Windows = Millennium=20 editie Volledig NL
Fix Number:
Windows = Millennium=20 editie Upgrade NL
Fix Number: J62Q = 2RWM-FJ4VH-9BVG7-C3KGK
Fix=20 Number: C47FY-8DG9D-GVYYX-3HMMV-87PKX
Windows NT 4.0 NL
Fix = Number:=20 30097-OEM-0027212-29415
Windows XP Beta 2
Unplug your = network cable,=20 so you don't have internet while installing.
CD Fix:=20 RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMG
- On the first boot after install = is=20 complete, boot into SAFE MODE
(thats the F8 Fix) and open = regedit.exe=20 (Start\Run\Regedit)
- Locate this following=20 Fix:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft=20 \WindowsNT\CurrentVersion
- Change the "RegDone" Fix value fron = 0 to=20 1
- Then find this=20 Fix:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\WindowsNT\Cu=20 rrentVersion\WinLogon
- Change "Activation Required" Fix value = from 1=20 to 0
- Close regedit and do the following:
Go to Start\Run, = type in:=20 regsvr32.exe -u regwizc.dll
Windows XP *Professional* = Nederlands (Upgrade en Volledige versie)
Fix:=20 FCKGW-RHQQ2-YXRKT-8TG6W-2B7Q8 *Bootable CD*
Windows XP = *Professional*=20 Final (Eng)
Fix: FCKGW-RHQQ2-YXRKT-8TG6W-2B7Q8 *Bootable = CD*
Windows=20 XP *Home* Final (Eng)
Fix: RH6M6-7PPK4-YR86H-YFFFX-PW8M8 = *Bootable=20 CD*
Windows XP *Home* Final Nederlands
Fix:=20 M738J-MFFVW-4R29T-JKKCR-HJ9WH *Bootable CD*
Fix:=20 = RH6M6-7PPK4-YR86H-YFFFX-PW8M8
----------------------------------------= -------------------------------------
MICROSOFT=20 WINDOWS XP Whistler CORPORATION EDITION VOLUME CDKEYS for Updating = SP1(created from=20 = scratch)
-------------------------------------------------------------= ----------------
KMTTB-68H32-8MKRK-GBHKT-RKCP6=20 (works)
CX7DD-4GX4Y-BTTR4-H88Y7-GQPWQ=20 (works)
XP8BF-F8HPF-PY6BX-K24PJ-TWT6M=20 (works)
8RCKG-36TH8-VWBGK-T3CB6-RHG48=20 (works)
7G4H4-T4XXW-BVXTH-4QP4V-9CV28=20 (works)
PG274-383QX-6C32H-P8RWC-48M4Q=20 (works)
CWY3F-JGYHJ-W6KBG-3VYK7-DGG7M=20 (works)
X6YWJ-M4TG2-DPGWJ-QCFR8-927M6=20 (works)
QCP6D-7VGVJ-JBKB4-DQMB2-9GTJ3=20 (works)
F7GV4-B7JGY-Q2KQW-6R8BM-FR8D6=20 (works)
HFVK4-TFWFG-4JKDH-H3FTT-8B23W=20 (works)
V3V63-3QW2G-JMFBY-8F4CM-PDMQW=20 (works)
WX736-8YJCM-2JW33-4KJGY-XCDJ6=20 (works)
CHYVW-V63RT-67XVC-XJ4VC-M3YWD=20 (works)
XMDCV-2TJMR-7JD66-YTVMK-V7PBD=20 (works)
RQHFJ-X47QJ-G2XKK-WYQ8P-7W6RG=20 (works)
X6MYY-6BH3T-YRBT8-H8YPH-RG68T=20 (works)
KVXQ3-RVQFG-FW8KC-2QYC6-67WCD=20 (works)
D6T24-3FBGM-WTDG8-6Y3WP-77QRJ=20 (works)
V88FQ-MFFRR-8D2VY-PG87J-FG7PY=20 (works)
XK39D-3PDMC-JMMDK-X8T8M-77YVM=20 (works)
6G3J7-RQ233-FJGHD-GKYP4-QGKPG=20 (works)
YWVHF-GT3M6-3QYB2-FCYCH-X47PQ=20 (works)
QJ68H-G7T8R-WFR77-D8X8Y-VJ398=20 (works)
6KYDY-JT4MB-6V3JQ-4KKFG-P6C63=20 (works)
6JQPJ-84CFG-JCBQP-PVRJP-9G24Q=20 (works)
MQ8JV-XXKVG-DB8V3-67WJB-RCB6W=20 (works)
J3T66-JTP72-TGT7H-PMMWH-XM4K3=20 (works)
38BXC-F2C4R-PXMXV-DBQXM-3C7V6=20 (works)
7FMM3-W4FMP-4WRXX-BKDRT-7HG48 (works)
OFFICE = 2003 Beta2=20 : DM8R3-3VBXF-F7JRX-FJ7P4-YD3HM
DaviDeo Fix Number:=20 040137L73EVB8S9KSE4WBX5ZM
Windows Longhorn 40=20 = CD-keys
WF4C4-29K2= 2-RPTG6-WXW46-BVR9B
WF6QT-42PG6-62966= -CFPR4-6JPKB
WDPQX= -7W72Y-W7KXV-M32Q3-H672Y
WDRR9-TX2PH-R3633-6G882-KB= KTM
WD3K9-Y8JT=20 = M6HY-6GPF3-3RQGM
WDC69-H38Q= C-V942H-K4G3J-2M3GM
WDF72-G3BBF-XY3CY-D8673-= 3KV2Y
WTBT9-M= 24W3-CF92M-33CX7-9KJXB

1=20 3D Studio Max v5 Util
Use VoX's Fix (instructions are there) or = the GSS=20 Fix if you plan on using it in a network environment
2 Adobe = Photoshop=20 v7 NL Util
Gebruik de Fix in de NLiSO dir om je eigen Fix te = maken
3=20 Boris Red v2.5 Util
Fix: AG0303-0644777-15M17
4 Discreet = Plasma v1.0=20 Util
Use these codes during install: Fix: 400-04138486 auth = Fix:=20 V9TR96
5 Installshield Professional v7.0 Util
Fix:=20 IDPRF8-0700-7020239533
6 Macromedia Studio MX Util
* = Dreamweaver=20 WSW600-03995-54421-38859
* Flash FLW600-52638-63540-19149
*=20 Fireworks WSW600-51379-11260-77923
* FreeHand=20 FHW100-51545-51794-71440
7 Magic CD & DVD Burnr Deluxe v1.0 = Util=20 unzip x:/Fix/Fix.zip, replace the two .exes
8 McAfee Firewall = v4 Util=20 No Fix
9 McAfee Internet Security v5 Util 1,00 No Fix
10 = McAfee=20 QuickClean v3 Util 1,00 No Fix
11 McAfee VirusScan Pro v7 Util = 1,00 No=20 Fix
12 Microsoft Encarta 2003 Naslagbibliotheek Util 4,00 No = Fix
13=20 Microsoft Money 2003 Deluxe & Business Util 1,00 No Fix
14 = MS=20 Office XP Pro SP1 Util 1,00 No Fix needed. activation taken care = of=20 also
15 Omnipage Pro v12 Office Util 1,00 Fix: = E789X-DCN-019066
16=20 Powerstation v4 Util 1,00 Follow install.txt in the Fix dir for=20 installation.
17 Route 6 Benelux 2003 Util 1,00 Fix:=20 235QJVW393812
18 Serif Photoplus v8 Util 1,00 No Fix
19 = SolidEdge=20 v12 Util 1,00 Copy the included license file to program dir.
20 = Sonic=20 MyDVD Video Suite v3.51 Util 1,00 Fix: BDD8Z8TKR2MT4AZBU
21 = Symantec=20 Norton Antivirus 2003 NL Util 1,00 No Fix
22 Symantec Norton = Ghost 2003=20 Util 1,00 No Fix
23 Symantec Norton Systemworks Pro 2003 Util = 1,00 No=20 Fix
24 Unigraphics NX v1.0 Util 2,00 Look into /Fix folder for = more=20 info.
25 Alias Wavefront Maya Unlimited v4.5 Util 1,00 Go in = Fix dir=20 and edit aw.dat placing your hostid over
HOSTID=3Dyour_host=20 -->HOSTID=3D012345678912
Then from command prompt run = awkeygen.exe=20 aw.dat (be sure both
are in same dir). After install place = aw.dat in=20 c:\flexlm\
(if it asks to install license/etc choose top option = local
license i think)
26 CakeWalk Pyro 2003 Util 1,00 Fix:=20 CWPY2.00-006173
27 Cyberlink Powerdirector Po v2.5 Util 1,00 = Fix:=20 RR73146117139536
28 Jasc Aftershot NL Util 1,00 No Fix
29 = MAGIX=20 Video v2.0 Deluxe NL Util 2,00 Copy Fix
30 MusicMatch = Professional=20 Edition v7.2 Util 1,00 Fix are;
Musicmatch = UQQ9R-J9AGK-37G24-2QUL9 DFX=20 J94584424
31 NTI Backup Deluxe Now v3.0 Util 1,00 No Fix
32 = Pinnacle=20 Edition DV v4.5 Util 1,00 Use this Fix during installation:=20 EDT45-STD-098079-45H
33 Roxio VideoWave Power Edition v5.1 Util = 3,00=20 Fix=3D XB-WJNC2-70NPN-CJTP4
TSID =3D 703441362207
34 Vitec = DVD Tools=20 v2.0 Util 1,00 No Fix
35 Windows XP Professional SP1-NL Util=20 1,00

3d Studio Max 4.2 Copy Fix from cd.
3D Studio Max = 5.0 Copy=20 licpath.lic /Fix dir into 3DMAX5 installation dir Run
Licence=20 Configuration Switcher from Startmenu -> Network
3D Studio = Max 5.1=20 Read the Installation.txt file in the Fix directory for=20 full
Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Professional=20 1118-1911-4821-7104-6966-4189
Adobe Acr. Capture 3.0 Cl. Ed.=20 WJW300R1229020-850
Adobe After Eff. 5.5 Pro B.=20 EWW470R1001999-030-259
Adobe Dimensions 3 DAW100R3156414-846 /=20 DJW300R7101786-723
Adobe Fontfolio 9.0 CDW900R7100081-102 ATM = Deluxe:=20 AWW410R7507863-892
Adobe FrameMaker 7.0=20 103012088265345892877077
Adobe Golive 6.0=20 1033-1127-2515-4365-9787-1611
Adobe Illustrator 10 When asked = about=20 previous version and to search for it, just
click Next thru all = the=20 questions. You do not need to worry
about any of this.=20 1034-1003-4400-0000-1115-2040
Adobe Illustrator 9.0 [NL]=20 ABW900R34859492-823-354
Adobe InCopy 2.0 Install, use Fix from = the Fix=20 dir to generate your Fix!
Adobe Indesign 2.0=20 1037-1206-1879-8486-1803-3172
Adobe Livemotion V2.0=20 1038-1122-4403-2805-2740-1096
Adobe Pagemaker 6.5 Deluxe [NL]=20 03D600R1000117-428
Adobe Pagemaker 7.0=20 1039-1121-2998-7586-7388-7545
Adobe Photo Deluxe 4.0 Home Ed.=20 HTW200R7100048-493
Adobe Photoshop 6.0 = PWW250R3100000-428
Adobe=20 Photoshop 6.0 [NL] PWW600R7105467-948
Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Full = [NL]=20 1045 1870 8868 3734 3928 9741
Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Full [UK]=20 1045-1209-6738-4668-7696-2783
Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Upgrade 1045 = 0009=20 2130 3302 1733 9518
Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Upg. [NL] Use Fix on=20 disc
Adobe Photoshop Addon:
Andromeda Sc. 2002=20 2PF0400031-0183
Adobe Photoshop Album 1.0 = 1078-1304-9580-1042-2015-8330=20 1078-1404-9580-1042-2015-8330
Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0=20 1057-4427-8084-7059-3638-1053
Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0=20 1057-4186-4991-2682-2090-6469=20 1057-4388-9685-3358-4777-9718
1057-4119-9685-5682-8462-3065=20 1057-4791-7354-4876-0897-5680
Adobe Premiere v6.5=20 MBE600B7813586-938
incl. Photoshop LE = SDM501B3824508-217
Ahead=20 NeroMix 1.212 1200-0000-0065-0000-0000-3882
Alias Wavefront = Maya Unl.=20 5.0 [Klik hier]
Alien Skin Plat 1.0 CHDDEFGHGCFE
Amapi 3d = V6.0 a3d=20 60 all TFL ayckfngu FUL 123
AutoCAD 2004 Refer to "Fix.txt" = from "\Fix"=20 dir for installation infos.
Autocad Point And Novapoint 5.5 = Copy the=20 \Fix directory from the CD to your installed
directory=20 (C:\Program Files\POINT5) including the contents of
the menu50 = dir=20 inside the Fix dir. Everytime you run the
program you will see = a=20 license wizard, just close it down - it
will only appear once = per=20 session.
Autodesk Arch. Desktop 2004 Zie txt file in = \Fix
Autodesk=20 AutoCAD Mech. 2004 400-12345678. Also check "readme.txt" in=20 \Fix.
Autodesk Autosketch 8 400-45632338 CDkey: = 26ME8T
Autodesk=20 Building Electrical 2 400-00436865 CDkey: VQVR56
Autodesk Cad = Overlay=20 2002 400-12345678 CDkey: T4ED6P
Autodesk Land Dev. Desktop R3 = Fix:=20 400-12345678 CDkey: T4ED6P
Autodesk Map 6.0 400-12345678 CDkey: = T4ED6P
Autodesk Map Guide 6.0 400-05565361 Cd-Fix:=20 VQ6NUE
400-08990515 Cd-Fix: VGVBUP
400-08396002 Cd-Fix :=20 VS2R2P
Authorization Code : MAGE
Autodesk Volo View 3.0 Zie = Fix.txt=20 op de cd.
Autodesk Quickcad 8 400-43166018 cdkey 29SN1H / Fix=20 400-43166364 cdkey 25SS1H
Autofx Dreamsuite Fix Select = setup.exe. After=20 install, replace DS.exe with the one
enclosed in the Fix = directory.=20 Typically this file will be
\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop=20 6.0\Plug-Ins\
Autofx Graphic Frames Vol 1 Copy to a directory = of your=20 choice, or just use off the CD.
Launch your = application/PhotoShop,=20 Filters/AutoFX/Frames then
point to where you have the .afx = files=20 copied to.
Autofx Page Edges Volume 1 Copy to a directory of = your=20 choice, or just use off the CD.
Launch your = application/PhotoShop,=20 Filters/AutoFX/Page Edges,
then point to where you have the = .afx files=20 copied to.
Autofx Photo Gr. Frames Vol 2:
Hand Of Man Copy = to a=20 directory of your choice, or just use off the CD.
Launch your=20 application/PhotoShop, Filters/AutoFX/Frames then
point to = where you=20 have the .afx files copied to.
Autofx Photo Gr. Patterns
And = Typo=20 Graphic Edges Copy to a directory of your choice, or just use off = the=20 CD.
Launch your application/PhotoShop, Filters/AutoFX/Frames=20 then
point to where you have the .afx files copied = to.
AutoFx Photo=20 Graphics Edges 5.0 Name Co: Any / Fix:=20 71-296487474-0617999-P1200380735
Autofx Ultimate Texture 1 Copy = to a=20 directory of your choice, or just use off the CD.
Launch your=20 application/PhotoShop, Filters/AutoFX/Frames then
point to = where you=20 have the .afx files copied to.
Autofx Ultimate Texture 2 Copy = to a=20 directory of your choice, or just use off the CD.
Launch your=20 application/PhotoShop, Filters/AutoFX/UltimateTex-
tures then = point to=20 where you have the files copied to.
Autofx Ultimate Texture 3 = Copy to a=20 directory of your choice, or just use off the CD.
Launch your=20 application/PhotoShop, Filters/AutoFX/Frames then
point to = where you=20 have the .afx files copied to.
Auto-Tech Encyclopedia 2002 = use Fix=20 from /Fix to register.
Avid Media Composer 10.0 Install run = launch.exe=20 Apply Cracks in the Installdir/..
pdxavidmedcomp10.exe = ../Avid/Avid=20 Media Composer -->> Apply
Avid Softimage 3.0 Look in /Fix = cd3
Avid Toons 4.6 run toonzcrk.exe and point to your toonz=20 dir.
Avid Xpress 4.0 Apply Cracks in the=20 Installdir/..pdxavidxpress40.exe ../Avid/
Avid Xpress = -->>=20 Apply
Boardmaster V2.0 34DAJK201TRINITY1114576
Boris = Continuum=20 Complete for
Avid Xpress DV 1.0 BCCAVX-10ISO96-5RA55
Boris = Continuum=20 Complete 2.0 BCC200-20ISO82-5RA51
Boris Fx 6.0=20 123456-123456-12349
Boris Red 2.5.2 = 123708-326183-00615
Borland C++=20 Builder 6.0 En. Ed. For the Fix, use the Fix included in the zip=20 file!
Borland JBuilder 9 Enterprise Run the keymaker: java -jar = keymaker.jar, click generate to
get a pair of keys then click = add then=20 save to save them to your
borland license file (in your home=20 directory).
Borland Kylix 2 Enterprice When asked, enter Fix#:=20 x9jr-j24kp-54p6c / Fix: ffp-xmg.
After installing and when = asked to=20 register, choose 'Register
By Phone'. Use the Fix provided in = the rars=20 to generate a
valid activation Fix. The Fix is a linux Fix, not = a
windows file.
CadFix 5.0 Install cadfix 5.0. Select the = Data=20 exchange option when
installing. Copy the cadfix.dat from the = crck=20 directory to
\lic directory. Reboot and run CADfix
Cakewalk = Guitar=20 Tracks 2 CDKey 442-200177-7700 and Fix CWGT2.00-017973
Cakewalk = Home=20 Studio 2002 CWHS1.02-002688
Cakewalk Home Studio 2004=20 CWHS2.20-003021
Cakewalk Home Studio XL = CWHX1.02-002397
CakeWalk=20 Music Creator 2003 SN: CWMC1.10-088482
Cakewalk Pro Audio 9.0 = CD Fix :=20 7009001015988
Name & Compagny : Anything
Fix:=20 cwpa900000000
Cakewalk Project 5.0 CWP5200342907 Mp3 Encoder:=20 90F7AFFD80F4A9FB
Cakewalk Pyro 2003 Fix: cwpy200333333 activate = the mp3=20 use: 95f5a6fd
Cakewalk Sonar 2.0 Xl CD-Fix#: 931-100812-0726 = Fix #:=20 CWSX1.00-009999
Caligari Truespace 6.0 8040701010404
Canopus = Photoalbum 4.0 Use this Fix during installpress ok when asked for = original=20 cd
program has been precracked fo you)=20 PA-PAINT-1XZJ4-1XXP6-4X4XH
This is a full version even if it = says=20 upgrade.
You need either ulead media studio pro or adobe = premiere to=20 use
this. Read docs to see exaclty what effects and where they = are=20 that
this program adds.
Canopus Xplode Professional 3.0=20 PA-RADOX-RULEZ-00000-0000E Once installed, overwrite = the
XPLODE.DLL in=20 your installed path, with the one in /Fix You
need to have a = video tool=20 like Adobe Premiere 6.0 installed!
(Several others like = Pinnacle are ok=20 too!)
Canopus Xplode Professional 4.0 = PA-X4STD-5RXXR-X45GS-NT4M0. You=20 need 1 of these installed before
installing this: Adobe=C2=AE = Premiere=C2=AE (5.0=20 and newer) or
Ulead=C2=AE MediaStudio=C2=AE Pro (6.0 and = newer).
Character=20 Studio 3.0 After installation copy the files in the /cs3_cracks=20 directory
into your plug-ins directory to overwrite and=20 unlock.
Chemdraw Pro 6.0 Installation Name: any \ Organization: = any \=20 Fix: 5041415
Reg. Code: HVY4-SHLF-H46T-2GB \ Chem3D STD Plugin=20 4.0
registration On first use of this plugin, you need to enter = the
following info: Organization: any \ Fix: 5041415
Reg. = Code:=20 TXMYFRPYJ
Code Composer Studio V1.20 copy the Fix file = CRKCC12.EXE in=20 \CC\BIN Then start CRKCC12.EXE
Conversion Plus 6.0 5215850-6842 = Fix:=20 QA9Q-4F008F35D92C
Copernicus Int. Search Toolbox=20 SH01-796584-622331
Corel Bryce 5.0 BF50CRD-1257022-WDB
Corel = Painter=20 7 PF70CRD-2564458-SZH
Corel Painter 8.0 = PF08CUM-0516190-DCN
Corel=20 Ventura 10 VR10WRZ-0190666-VGM
Corel WordPerfect Office 11=20 WS11WRD-2452003-TTF
Corel Xmetal Author 4.0.3=20 XA04WBZ-1101000-LCW
CorelDraw 11 Graphics Suite=20 DR11CRD-0012082-DGW
Coreldraw Essentials (Retail)=20 DRENR-9517825F25
Curious Labs Poser 5.0 Install, copy patch = over to=20 install dir and reboot
Davilex Account 9 [NL] 656T TUE AYKP / = 6D6H T3E=20 AQUU / EDXH 236 AQUS / 65XT T36 KYUE
EDXH 236 KQKX / 656H T36 = KYKD /=20 ED6H TU6 AYKY / 656H TUE AQU7
Davilex Business: Account 2001=20 E5XH-T36-AQKK
Dazzle DVD Complete Deluxe 2.02 enter = anything
Dazzle=20 Digital Video Creator 80 Refer to Fix dir for details.
Dazzle = DVD=20 Creation Station 200 Refer to Fix dir for details.
Dazzle = MovieStar=20 5.1.5 SHEL-GYURlzO-DuEKLQjT-NR01
Dazzle OnDVD 2.0=20 OnDVD-QTX-r23456x78N
Deep Paint 3D 2.0 to install plugins for = each=20 program you need to have the
program preinstalled(ae: to = install maya=20 plugin you need to
have maya installed already) After install = of each=20 app go to
Fix dir and take 3 exes and place them in its own = dirs=20 and
overwrite originals(yes exes are smaller, thats ok
Denda = Web Pro=20 Extended Edition=20 = 1235-WPR2NL-001018/0000-WPR2NL-800286/1111-WPR2NL-601820
0688-WPR2NL-6= 00028/0674-WPR2NL-201036/1969-WPR2NL-001106
Desi= gncad=20 3d Max 12 I206-0426-5400
Digital Origin Edit Dv 2.0 EditDV = Software=20 Fix: CUBE DIRE GERM WAD MARE Sound Forge XP
Fix:=20 195-0142224-264112
Discreet Edit V6.0 Run the setup.exe for = Mental Ray=20 Dir first and choose a standard
installation. Don't worry about = any=20 licensing with SPM, Mental
Ray is already fixed when installed. = Now run=20 the setup.exe in
the 3DSMAX_MR_CONNEC dir for the 3D Studio = MAX=C2=AE=20 Connection to
mental ray, and point it to the relevant = directories when=20 asked.
(NOTE: it should find your MR from step 1=20 directory
automatically. * REBOOT * Thats it as far as = installation=20 is
concerned. Start 3D Studio Max and load one of the=20 supplied
sample scenes. Press Render, and behold.
Dragon = Naturally=20 Speaking 5.0 0002239795232999
Dragon Naturally Speaking 7=20 A109A-G00-006420
Easy CD & DVD Creator 6.0 = BD-JWZS4-QX3MR-0241L /=20 OX-LPVB7-NC78V-X1UH7
Easy Computing DVPlus [NL] Code: NLiSO = s/n:=20 NLiSO-8aea8a02
Easy Computing MovieJack 2 [NL]=20 P0P05-344ZC-49067-45672-C6729
Easy Travel 3 Plus Nl [NL]=20 ML8H-D2WY-R8CZ
Electronic Workbench = EYW-02-00531-1621
Encyclopedia=20 Britannica 2003 C3CA1ACA00054321
Euroglot Professional 4.01 = Install the=20 program and copy the prompter files to HDD if
you want to avoid = having=20 the CD in the unit when using the
souffleur modules. Latter, = from the=20 settings menu select the
correct paths to prompter files and to = your=20 windows media
player (wmplayer.exe is recommended).
Run the = included=20 Fix in prog's folder. Now you can enjoy!
Change the interface = language=20 from the Screenlanguage menu,
or just import the included *.reg = file=20 for English settings.
Eurotranslator Premium 5.13=20 pcgxcg123456-ghwmrsxykpnbv
Exact Globe 3.7 Multilanguage = Controlegetal:=20 5345b1e2
Licentienummer: Q22222222222222222 (as many 2's as=20 fit)
Licentienaam: OWiSO
Licentiecode: 600002030014002
A: = 4,5,6,8,15,17,19,30,54,61 -219
B: = 68,69,75,236,244,280,281,282,526,529=20 -590
C: 549,550,600,700 -399/D: 214,4 -218
Wachtwoord:=20 0AB9E253
Extensis All Products Cd V47 use the Prefix ZWE-900 = for=20 Suitcase with the older Fix
EXTENGEN.EXE ( also = included)
Extensis=20 Portfolio 6.0 FSE-600-333-918-111111
Extensis Power Suite 4.0=20 phototools 3.0 HCE-300-011-236-326428
maskpro 2.0=20 MCE-200-283-883-432762
portfolio 4.0=20 FCE-400-232-691-767344
portfolio 4.0 server=20 FSE-400-162-896-851922
intellihance 3.0=20 ICE-300-019-905-580138
intellehance 4.0=20 IDE-400-019-905-580138
photoframe 1.0=20 BCE-100-289-695-170313
photoframe 2.0=20 BDE-200-289-695-580138
Photoframe 2.0 Int=20 BDI-200-289-695-170313
pagetools 2.0x = PWE-200-100-238-100005
qxtools=20 4.0 QCI-400-111-509-230898
Beyondpress 4.0=20 CCE-400-016-648-339702
PhotoAnimator 1.0=20 ACU-100-239-448-107300
PhotoGraphics 1.0=20 GCE-100-032-823-712972
ProWeb 4.0 = FPI-400-784-679-832864
Femlab V2.0=20 DTiTANZ-26014140
Filemaker Developer 6.0 Run Fix from root dir, = copy=20 Fix, then paste it (control-v)
when requested.
Filemaker Pro = 6.0=20 [Win/Mac] 1-1027-1630-2001-9034
Filmbox 3.2 after install, take = dll=20 from fixed dir and place to install
dir and = overwrite.
Finale 2001=20 Revision D DVDA-002112
Fix-It Utilities 4.0 = FX44RX-22Z94Q
Flexi Sign=20 6.6.1 Professional Use Fix.exe to get a valid Fix for the=20 installation.
When installing select Custom and uncheck the ICC = Profiles box.
Copy all files from Fix/ folder to your installed = dir=20 and
overwrite them
Greenstreet Clipart Editor 1.0=20 1845232P1513
Haute Cuisine 5.0 [NL] 10-07-05-670
Hotmetal = Pro V 6.0=20 SQMM0 00D7A 04773
InstallShield AdminStudio 5.0 Use Fix for Fix = number.
InstallShield Developer 8.0=20 DYBADD0800A020292115
InstallShield Express 4.0=20 ISCSL8-0100-C006842523
InstallShield Professional 7.01 Use Fix = for Fix=20 number.
Instand Cd Dvd 6.5 21302-4999924-39514
Intergraph=20 Smartsketch 4 00264604005379
InterVideo WinDVD Platinum Fix:=20 6VQGY5V-Q2VHK9A-2LBQSFN-SS5NAM5Z
email:=20 neapolitane*yahoo.co.uk
digits: 3006
InterVideo = WinDVD=20 Recorder Fix: 6VQGY2R-R2VHK9A-SLBR8T6-KKVNAM5Z
email:=20 neapolitane*yahoo.co.uk
digits: 3006
Isodraw 5.0 = replace=20 isodraw5.exe with the one from the appropriate dir in
/Fix=20 (cp->cadprocess, normal->normal)
Kai's Photo Soap 2.5 = copy all=20 files from /Fix/reg dir to x:\soap2\ereg\us dir copy
all files = from=20 /Fix/dlls to x:\soap2 Fix is : 9910EY35023
Kpt Effects 7=20 TF70CRD-0018269-JVR
Labview 7.0 M21X32022
Laplink Gold 11=20 LGDUSRT650428B00
Laplink Pcsync 1.0 = PCSUSRT-902059-100
Lightscape=20 3.2 743-13828373 auth. code :45155bc7
Lightwave 3d V7.0 Copy 2 = exe's in=20 /Fix to PROGRAMS subdir of install dir
Macromedia Authorware = 6.5=20 APW650-06024-27216-85466
Macr. ColdF. MX Serv 6 E.E.=20 CED600-15143-78464-83414
Macromedia Contribute 1.0=20 CTW100-05929-17251-84502
Macr. Dir. 8.5 Shockwave Studio=20 WDW850-02044-87235-26420
Macromedia Dreamweaver 4=20 DWW400-74670-24489-39933 (full)
DWW400-73539-37733-13290 = (upgrade if=20 needed)
Macr. Dr. 4 Fireworks Studio WBW4000-06648-47236-27654 = \=20 WBW400-06648-47236-27654
Macr. Dreamweaver MX 6.0 Retail=20 DWW600-54622-26755-01760
Macr. Dr. Ultradev 4 Fw 4 St.=20 WUW400-03715-57227-20457
Macromedia Fireworks MX 6.0=20 WSW600-03579-37260-92763
Macromedia Flash 5=20 FLW500-06844-47238-93689
Macromedia Flash MX=20 FLW600-51933-79540-45237
Macromedia Freehand 10=20 FHW100-00654-47258-19356.For upgrade=20 FHW900-50686-68738-52832
Macromedia Generator 2.0=20 FGW200-05769-17008-19356
Macromedia Homesite 5.0=20 HSW500-03135-17229-93887
Macromedia Jrun 4.0=20 JRD400-73545-97259-86632
Macromedia Sitespring 1.0=20 SIW100-24820-47289-08494
Macromedia Studio MX Dreamweaver=20 WSW600-03995-54421-38859
Flash = FLW600-52638-63540-19149
Fireworks=20 WSW600-51379-11260-77923
FreeHand=20 FHW100-51545-51794-71440
Macromedia Studio MX Plus=20 = WSW600-58072-66160-11982
WSW600-57571-5116= 0-17452
Macromedia=20 Super Cd Authorware 5 APW500-08444-88221-43553
Coursebuilder=20 CBW300-74654-47217-29386
Director 8=20 WDW800-00478-67200-19336
Dreamweaver 3=20 DWW300-03919-77080-19336
Drumbeat ASP--BDA100-04458-47081-19336 = = JSP--BDJ100-
Fireworks=20 3 FWW300-56032-07055-29326
Flash 4 = FLW400-07763-37145-19336
Freehand=20 9 FHW900-48010-28279-74614
Generator 2 Dev Studio=20 FGW200-05769-17008-19356
Generator = 2 Server=20 FGW200-05769-17008-19356
Intellih. Pro IDE-400-001-216-027821
Magix = Audio=20 Cleaning Lab 3.0 Unzip x:\Fix\Fix.zip into the dir you installed = it=20 to
(eg. C:\MAGIX\audiocleaning3)
Magix CD & DVD BurnR = Deluxe=20 = 5CM8R-DGKHW-575R0-SADR4-5T6FN/5CM8R-D12KZ-50AC1-8DS76-69HC9
5CM8R-DTTZ= H-590A3-89VG0-8CRVR
Magix=20 Film op CD & DVD 2.0 Kopieer optgraph.dll uit de Fix dir na ar = de=20 installatie dir.
Magix Hip-Hop Music Maker 1.01 Install Notes; = Install,=20 then it will ask for cd. Copy the
opt*.dll from Fix dir on cd = to=20 overwrite same in MAGiX dir.
Restart ap. It will always ask for = cd when=20 running ap, it loads
some audio/video files from cd to open ap. = This is=20 normal and
was tested using real cd. Real cd does same. Fix=20 eliminates
cd check protection not normal loading of needed=20 files.
Magix MP3 Maker Diamond 2003 Copy Fix (.dll) uit de /Fix = dir=20 naar de installed dir.
Magix Music Maker 2003 Deluxe On root of = CD you=20 will see Fix dir. Just unzip optgraph.dll
and overwrite one in=20 installed dir.
Magix Music Studio 2003 Deluxe On root of CD you = will=20 see Fix dir. Just unzip optgraph.dll
and overwrite one in = installed=20 dir.
Magix Playr Deluxe After installation it will ask for = original CD,=20 just click 'OK'.
Extract the fixed Rn5b3264.dll included in=20 playrdlxFIX.zip to
the install directory (ie. = C:\MAGIX\playR_deLuxe)=20 OVERWRITING
the old one, and the CD check is removed.
Magix = Playr=20 Jukebox Xxl After instalation, a window will pop up: 'Can't find = the=20 orginal
magix plar Jukeebox XXL CD'. Please insert disc and = restart=20 the
program. Press OK. Select 'playR.exe' file in the=20 playRi_XXL
installed directory, drag over EAT's Fix window in = the=20 Fix
directory 'eatmpxlcrk.exe' Select playR.exe file in=20 the
appropriate Magix directory drag over the Fix=20 window:
'eatmpxlcrk.exe' (in Fix directory on CD)
Magix = Techno Music=20 Maker 1.01 After instalation, a window will pop up: 'Can't find = the=20 orginal
magix plar Jukeebox XXL CD. Please insert disc and = restart=20 the
program.' Press OK. Drag the installed exe for the app=20 over
EAT's Fix window (Fix directory on CD = 'eatmxtmmck.exe')
Map=20 & Guide V7.0 Eur. Ml UBSDOO5M50
Mathcad Enterprice Edition = 11 Refer=20 to Fix dir for details.
Matlab V6.1=20 = 12-64042-09547-15401-43505-29671-38658-29723-39869-39940-
28469-44038-= 63530-19683-53951
Maxon=20 Cinema 4D XL Run setup language of your choice (English, Italian, = German=20 and
French Version are included). Copy the "resource"-folder=20 from
the setup-dir to your install-dir overwriting the existing = one.
Delete the regkey HKCU\Software\MC4D (if it exists). When=20 you
now start Cinema4D you have the opportunity to enter a=20 Cinema4D
AND a BodyPaint3D Fix. If you want to use Cinema4D in = a=20 LAN
use the Fix in .\Fix\ otherwise this Fix is NOT = needed
Cinema4D=20 XL/NET Fix: 72001022015-BT-MU-KN-BF (unlimited = user)
Bodypaint-3D Fix:=20 64001055244-3DA105
Maxon Dynamics 1.0
For Cinema 4D XL 7.2 = To=20 install this you need to have TFL's v7.1 iso Once you = have
that,=20 install the cinema 4d v7.1 (with 3dpaint if you wish),
run it = once and=20 authorize it. Put dynamics cd in drive(if you
have second = cdrom/cdr),=20 if not then copy dynamics setup files
to a hd. Upgrade your = cinema 4d=20 copy to v7.2(upgrades are
located on dynamic cd). If you need = v7.2=20 codes use these:Cinema
4D XL Fix #: 72001004241-HK-BI-LL-QL = BodyPaint=20 Fix
64001013541-83EF73 Cinema 4D Net Fix#: = 73001000815-JS-JM-SN-
AH.=20 Once you upgrade just run dymanics setup and it will = install
(as long=20 as v7.1 cd is in drive). As you run cinema with
dynamics for = the first=20 time enter this 76000007686-SR-TM-EA-PO
McAfee Security Service = Company: MCAFEE Lic.Type: Unlimited
Mechsoft for Autocad 2004 = LT Copy=20 the two files from /Fix to your C:\Program=20 Files\MechSoft
\MS2D\UniTools dir (baseview.exe, = crycad.dll)
Media=20 Stream neoDVDplus 4.0 = PG4ZR-V95JC-F04YH-W8T8F-TF5KK
Metacreations Art=20 Dabbler 2.11 DW200RAZ0005245-RTJQ-001
Metacr. Fractal Des. = Expr. 1.0=20 EW-100-1-8226-32620
Metacreations Painter 6=20 PF60WRD-0011781-RBV
Metacreations Poser 4=20 XF83WBD-8473803-USE
Micrografx Picture Publisher 10 Digital = Camera=20 Edition DC1001XX03192
Mitchell on Demand Estimater look on cd2 = in=20 License folder for how to install
Mks Toolkit 7.5 En. Developer = 7910000022, 7910000009, 7910000004
MKS Toolkit 8.5 for = Developers Run=20 Setup.exe. Skip the registration stuff. 7450102723 = Fix
KNGN-RDM2-B5DE=20 as PID. Enter any details you like.
Movie Dv Suite 4.0=20 83210-101-2400610
MovieXone Plus 4.0 17110-101-1147462
Ms = Customer=20 Rel. Management 1.0 U34PMC59EZK7UJGQP0V5H
Ms Embedded Visual = C++ 4.0=20 G6K4D-FX9P2-RMHJ9-WR4YV-3GF9B
Ms Exchange 2000 Server Ent.=20 KRJQ8-RQ822-YRMXF-6TTXC-HD2VM
Ms Exchange Server Ent. 2003=20 PWTHD-YHRXY-C37Y3-HMGTD-J8433
Ms Frontpage 2002 [NL]=20 dy6wq-d3fyg-v89by-8kpg9-8yw9m
Ms Mastering Vis. Basic 6 Dev.=20 419-0087526
Ms Mastering Web Appl. Dev. Visual Interdev 6 You = can use=20 any numbers you want for
the first three then all Xs or just = all Xs for=20 both parts
Ms Office 2000 Bussines [NL]=20 PCVH7-QPD26-V28QX-XYH3P-MP3MT
Ms Office 2000 Premium [NL]=20 V7FW2-6TJ3R-BHQTK-DFT4Q-4M823 / 376-0637311
Ms Office 2000 = Premium [UK]=20 GC6J3 GTQ62 FP876 94FBR D3DX8
Ms Office Xp Corporate Edition = FM9FY=20 TMF7Q KCKCT V9T29 TBBBG
Ms Office Xp Developer Edition=20 FM9FY-TMF7Q-KCKCT-V9T29-TBBBG
Ms Office Xp Professional FM9FY = TMF7Q=20 KCKCT V9T29 TBBBG
Ms Office Xp Professional [NL]=20 FM9FY-TMF7Q-KCKCT-V9T29-TBBBG
Ms Outlook 2002 dy6wq=20 d3fyg-v89by-8kpg9-8yw9m
Ms Outlook 2002 [NL]=20 dy6wq-d3fyg-v89by-8kpg9-8yw9m
Ms Publisher 2002=20 dy6wq-d3fyg-v89by-8kpg9-8yw9m
Ms Publisher 2002 [NL]=20 dy6wq-d3fyg-v89by-8kpg9-8yw9m
Ms Visio 2002 Professional dy6wq = d3fyg=20 v89by 8kpg9 8yw9m
Ms Visio Studio Net En. Ar. Ed.=20 D64GG-GXY6T-V6FTR-WCPBB-2YDYB
Ms Visual Basic 6.0 Pro Ed. = SLKMS22
Ms=20 Visual Foxpro Pro 8.0 TCJC7-H2QDH-3T7G7-R6RTM-YRK3Y
Ms Visual=20 Sourcesafe 6.0c
For Vsnet Enterprise 335-3353356
Ms Visual = Studio=20 .NET Enterprice
Architect Ed. Insert Windows Component Update = disk for=20 Visual Studio.NET(CD5)
& install. Run=20 vs(cd1)D64GG-GXY6T-V6FTR-WCPBB-2YDYB
Ms Windows 2000 Adv. = Server Uk=20 RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMG
Ms Windows 2000 Pro [NL]=20 Q9WQM-H28JP-Q3FFB-9FMPP-KT6QM
Ms Windows 2000 Pro Sp2 Retail=20 Q9WQM-H28JP-Q3FFB-9FMPP-KT6QM / = XF7DK-7X2WM-2QRCT-Y9R23-4BHDG
Ms=20 Windows 2000 Pro Uk RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMG
Ms Windows = 2000 Pro=20 upg [NL] TTYR3-TPV8H-QWW7C-QYPFK-B9DVP
Ms Windows 2000 Server = [UK]=20 RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMG
Ms Windows 98 Sec. Edition [NL]=20 MHMP3-37XCR-CRMPM-C2M9M-4G4BD
Ms Windows 98 Sec. Edition [UK]=20 HQ6K2-QPC42-3HWDM-BF4KJ-W4XWJ
Ms Windows XP Home Edition [UK]=20 RH6M6-7PPK4-YR86H-YFFFX-PW8M8 After installation read = the
HFiSO.txt in=20 The Fix folder
Ms Windows XP MCE After the installation,=20 XJM6Q-BQ8HW-T6DFB-Y934T-YD4YT. In order
to do that click = Activate then=20 Select Phone option, then
'change Fix'. Enter the mentioned OEM = Fix.=20 Click 'Update' then
'remind me later'. You can logon without = activating=20 the product.
Ms Windows XP Pro [NL] = FCKGW-RHQQ2-YXRKT-8TG6W-2B7Q8
Ms=20 Windows XP Pro + SP1 [NL] R6YVD-KRGXD-4HGJ3-86WX8-DTP98
Ms = Windows XP=20 Pro 64 Bits Ed. C4FPJ-HQCGP-QD3XC-2JF34-FT8Y6
Namo Webeditor = 5.5=20 sn:150902 - 003022 839YHXSX1SM4UFCG7G6M4DSDZ5
Native = Instruments=20 Reaktor 4.0 Enter any Fix you may like, and Install it.=20 Extract
Reaktor_v4.002_Patcher.zip, and run it. Patch it. = VSTi/VSTfx=20 is
in VstPlugins folder, (normally C:\Program=20 Files\Steinberg\
Vstplugins\) and Standalone/DXi is in install=20 folder.
(normally C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\Reaktor=20 4\)
Nedsoft Web Ontwerper [NL] Fix: 0087 0042 = 00/activationcode: 0190=20 8356 70
NeoDVD Plus 3.0.1 = Y4YLZ-AQMZ0-11BN1-L913N-X6VZB
Neopaint=20 [NL] 2269-8607-0844-7628
Nero 6.0 Ultra Edition=20 1A23-0006-7130-1204-8976-4901
Net Support Manager 8.0 Refer to = Fix dir=20 for details.
NetObjects Fusion 7.0 = NFW-700-R-010-18822-37395
Norton=20 Pro Firewall 2003 Company: Syman/Lic.Type: Unlimited
Novell = Netware 5.1=20 Unzip the included Fix.zip to a 1.44 meg floppy disk. Use it
as = your=20 license file
Omnipage Pro 12 [NL] 2889N-LIS-OROCKS @=20 install
Omnipage Pro 12 Office E789X-DCN-019066
Onyx DVD 1=20 onyxdvd4youreyesonley
Onyx DVD 2 = onyxdvd2yourdestination
Onyx DVD 3=20 onyx3dvdfullhouse
Onyx DVD 4 doubledvdthebestchoice
Onyx DVD = 5=20 thankstoalforsupportonyx
Onyx DVD 6 haveanicedaytoplay
Onyx = DVD 7=20 dvdsummer2002
Onyx DVD 8 globethesummer2002
Onyx DVD 9=20 onyxcrazysuffdvd
Onyx DVD 10 getallofthebeststuffnow
Onyx = DVD 11=20 getmoregreatstuff
Onyx DVD 12 h@ppynewyear2al
Onyx DVD 13=20 perrmanent@yourservice
Onyx DVD 14 = dontlosethisnicerelease
Onyx DVD=20 15 enjoythisnicerelease@all
Onyx DVD 16=20 get@lthisgreatstuf4now
Phoenix T Origami 2.0 Softimage license = from=20 /Fix in c:\phoenixtools\flexlm\licenses
Phoenix T Realfur 2.0 = Softimage=20 license from /Fix in c:\phoenixtools\flexlm\licenses
Phoenix = Tools Time=20 Master 2.5 license from /Fix in=20 c:\phoenixtools\flexlm\licenses\
Pinnacle Edition DV 4.02=20 EDT45-STD-098079-45H
Pinnacle Edition DV 4.5=20 EDT45-STD-098079-45H
Pinnacle Edition 5.0 Use ROR's Fix to = generate the=20 Fix number for installation.
Pinnacle Express 1.01 [NL]=20 9999999999
Pinnacle Express 1.10 0000000000
Pinnacle = Expression SN:=20 1801203306
Pinnacle Hollywood FX PLUS
for Studio 4.6.19=20 HFX46-PLS-230942-15U
Pinnacle Instant Copy 7.0=20 AAOUQ-AAJKP-MBLFQ-YNPHA-BIGCA
Pinnacle Impression DVD-pro 2.2=20 IMP2V-PRO-000123-54W/KeyCode : 23038332666/After reboot,
copy=20 impression.exe to installed dir. overwriting existing = file.
Pinnacle=20 Studio 8.3 1555856630
Pinnacle Studio Dv Plus 1.10.19=20 4902608365
Pinnacle Systems Com. Pro 4.1 = CMW41-PRO-904478-44J
Power=20 Dvd Xp 4.0 Deluxe DX5936897N425377
Power Dvd Xp Std 4=20 BX9938286277P937
Powerquest Deploy Center 5.0=20 DY500KD10WS-927426
Powerquest Drive Image 7.0=20 AY3A-PH7J-3DM6-R7KR-6XJT
Powerquest Partition Magic 8.0=20 PM800FR1-3193805303
Propellerhead Reason 2.5=20 RSN250-0000-005336-NVV3-CGDJ-DR5S
Quark Xpress 5.0=20 39173027QHSKKJF3199PYJX2
Quark Xpress Passport 5.0 Enter any = Fix &=20 copy Fix
Realviz Suite V2.0 after installing place license into = /installed dir/licenses/
If needed set your lm_license_file = enviroment=20 to that path For
each program you can find each license on each = cd
Rhinoceros 3D 2.0 RH20-0ETV-H2SQ-6H13
Route 66 Europe = 2003 [NL]=20 235QJVW393812
Route 66 Europe 2004 Pro 2582121ZVNK26
Roxio=20 PhotoSuite Platinum Ed. 5 NP-6Y6ZC-RVYY5-ZW1WG
Roxio VideoWave = Power=20 Ed. 5.1 Fix: XB-WJNC2-70NPN-CJTP4 / TSID: 703441362207
Roxio = WinOnCD=20 6.0 Power Ed. XM-TD7HH-UZR93-H0PZW
Roxio WinOnCD 6.0 DvD Ed.=20 Y1-9MDKJ-YQVPN-8V5VC/1C-HT789-SB62B-3YK12
Safeworld Internet = Sec. 2003=20 004383-726067
Samplitude Professional 7.0 Use Fix to generate a = valid=20 Fix and auth code.
ScanSoft PaperPort Deluxe 9.0=20 6809A-G00-591837
Seagate Info 7.5 37556-2476-00057501/Seagate = Info=20 7.5/Product Activation Code/
Full Licence
SmartSound Movie = Maestro=20 1.0 V60633376
Sonic Foundry Acid St. Dj 3.0a=20 7H-ZPLB1H-13B9H9-BV4X6S
Sonic Foundry Acid Techno 3.0=20 7H-QSKSH3-KT3P5E-H9D92Z
Sonic Foundry Siren Jukebox 2.0=20 BE-R5XJLE-K19ZXB-Y30VTK
Sonic Foundry Soundforge
Xp Studio = 5.0b=20 3B-5NGJSM-JKHYVV-JPQ85F
Sonic MyDVD Video Suite 4.0.2=20 BDVQHQBTDGYNHQVS3
Soundquest Infinity 2.0 Enter anything for = Company /=20 Name and CQ6ZNT for Fix
Steinberg Clean 3.0=20 PXLT-EKL4-53P2-SM7
Steinberg Cubase SX 1.0 Copy files from the = Fix.zip=20 in the /Fix folder to youre
windows/system(32 for xp/win2k) = directory.=20 For the Fix,
use that one: 110000000
Steinberg Cubase VST32 = 5.32=20 110000000 then execute PDXCB5CR.exe from the Fix dir
Steinberg = Get It=20 On Cd 3.0 ST30-PARADOX-ROXX-PUL
Steinberg Nuendo 1.5 Name: = Paradox=20 Audio Division - Ser.: 900000000 - DONT REBOOT YET!
Copy = pdxn15.exe=20 from CD\Fix to Nuendo installdir, run it and
patch. Reboot your = system=20 and enjoy this fine Release!
Steinberg Nuendo 2.0 Follow the = directions=20 on /Dongle/Nuendo2.dongle.txt
Steinberg Wavelab 4.0b [Multi] = Win9X:=20 yc93-y8hy6uy-eppnby8-yku9
WinNT: = yc93-y8ck8lv-eppnby8-yvmx
Sure=20 Thing Cd Labeler Deluxe 3 ss-stcd3.zip contains the patch to = upgrade to=20 version 3.01 and
the user manual in pdf format.
Symantec = NetRecon=20 3.6 Company: TeamSoS
Fix Num: 7330757468@CS
Lic.Type:=20 Unlimited
Teach Me Piano=20 TMP100-037741-034
TNT Travel Manager
Europe Compact 2003=20 11376850
Tnt Travel Manager Office [NL] 301234
Total 3D Home = Deluxe=20 3.0 21010699
Trainersoft Professional V7.0 777118220
Travel = Manager=20 Europa Netwerk 49491565
Travel Manager Europe Name: = ZENiTH
Fix:=20 5000-0000-0009
Travel = Manager=20 Nederland 4.0 21079339
TurboCAD Pro 9.0 Turbocad Pro V9.0 Fix = =3D=20 92AH75
FloorPlan v7.3 Fix =3D GP74TH
TurboProject Express 4S = Fix =3D=20 32cd45expr
Ulead Cool 3D 3.5 11105-03500-00015967
Ulead Cool = 3D=20 Studio 1.0 274A5-11085-78578888
Ulead DVD and CD Pict. 2003=20 12306-11000-00995312
Ulead DVD Movie Factory 2.0=20 111A2-62000-00300082
Ulead DVD Movie Factory 2.1 = E2302-620TP-4F27DAC3 /=20 E23A2-620TP-9D885E33
E2302-620TP-8545EF94 /=20 E23A2-620TP-07BFEDE2
Ulead Dvd Movie Maker 1.0=20 11102-61000-00081685
Ulead DVD PictureShow 2.0=20 111A6-12000-00132624
Ulead Dvd Workshop V1.0=20 96302-51072-24530822
Ulead Gif Animator 5.0=20 11103-85011-21226004
Ulead Media Studio 6.5 Pro=20 12202-26500-00048114
Ulead Media Studio Pro 7=20 011A2-27042-0190DCN4
Ulead Photo Ex. 4 Dig. St. Ed.=20 11103-54000-00177753
Ulead Photo Express My
Scrapbook = Edition 4.0=20 11103-54000-00051167
Ulead Photo Impact 8.0=20 124A3-08000-39318665
Ulead VideoStudio v7.0=20 RORA2-870RO-ROROROR1
Ultiboard 5.72 Any numbers for the Fix = after the=20 installtion apply the
patch from the Fix dir
Universal = Translator=20 2000 KRA111464Y3QT
Veritas Backup Exec 9.0 Use the licenses in=20 \Fix\Fix.txt
Veritas Exchange Edition 1.1=20 I2CZ-3C9T-84ZV-NN98-NA77-777P-CXVH-6
Veritas Storage Rep. 2.1 = SP2=20 421170001000000
Veritas Vol. Manager 3.1 W2K=20 I2CZ-3C3C-YSV8-WGO4-PD77-777U-3R2Y-6
Veritas Volume Replicator = 3.1=20 I2CZ-3C3C-YSV8-WGO4-PD77-777U-3R2Y-6
Veritas Wininstall 7.5.02=20 prz6-rpp3-ppnj-w4op-pcpi-i
Videopack 5.0 Multilanguage Enter = any=20 Number.
Vue De Epsrit 4 VUE4-32910-O-27223-217 prev. Ser.:=20 VUE2-62082-E-97200
Webgain Studio Pro 6.5 Install. Apply = providen=20 license file, in /Fix
WinDvD 3.0.55 Dts Retail 4432GHT7C7R84E0 = NOTE:=20 The AUTORUN is in chinese but the
Setup.exe will automa. select = the=20 right language to install.
Xara 3D 5.02 = X3D-1128-2800-0030
Xara Menu=20 Maker 1.0 XMM-931431084595
Xara Webstyle 3.0=20 = 912565269169

=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=20 =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D

442 = Touchline Passion Copy all files from Fix\=20 into the install directory.
1503 A.D. The New World Copy=20 1503Startup.exe and AnnoWelt.dll from \Fix on your CD2 to
your=20 installation folder and overwrite the existing=20 ones.
0705-7933859-6725970-0015 4674-0728030-1210467-5142=20 0163-3628552-7474216-1618 9543
-9977522-5363454-0014=20 2484-9264724-5725148-0845
Age of Mythology Enter any = Fix!
Alice=20 2000-0112900-0010978-3379. Copy Fix.
Alien Vs Predator 2 Make = sure that=20 you have autorun disabled when you play this game,
if not you = will get=20 a wrong disk error. Run setup.exe from cd
to install. When = install is=20 done copy over exe from /Fix dir.
Also, at end of install you = will be=20 asked cd1 again, it will say
wrong disk if you launch from = autorun=20 menu, just hit ok and it
should be fine. You need a Fix for = online=20 play, but single and
lan works without Fix. If you want to play = it=20 online go buy it.
Aquanox 6874-78ab-891e-2656 /=20 91e6-1846-1b78-e5ac
0934-12e6-18c0-85b8 /=20 1278-7952-2378-8f06
Atrox=20 9073-7741-7910-04703
Battlefield 1942 = 5000-0000000-0000000-1318. Copy=20 Fix.
Battlefield 1942:
The Road to Rome Copy mod.dll to your = installdir/mods/xpack1 and installdir/mods/
bf1942 directory's = and the=20 exe to the root of your original
BF1942=20 install.
1942158827250530955468=20 1942166037864727770169
1942165237060033253500=20 1942169437421835761568
1942171737866456081723=20 1942170837841532120407
1942176837889200690729=20 1942172937828070812364
1942178047005930893574=20 1942174147881018272735
1942176247254794201012=20 1942184347847467296303
1942185447887553911368=20 1942183547216945624731
1942185647292583324346=20 1942181747231359621014
Big Mutha Trucker Run indeoxp.exe it can = be=20 found in /codec. Run install.
Big Scale Racing = ED66-6866-1766-2A66 /=20 0346-464C-7954-7721
47DE-29VS-82UX-52!! /=20 D4MY-67TH-FASU-31X!
Black & White = [NL]=20 0901-3324366-4702210-2081
Black & White: Creature Isle=20 Addon
Eiland vol wezens Install the game, when asked for Fix = enter one=20 of these:
1740-9488245-5171152-1858 /=20 7614-2322168-5761892-4143
7954-3123341-1387427-3138 /=20 7931-9865028-6024865-0162
Copy the fixed exe from.
Chaser=20 52QJY-10K8V-CLNPI-1EISW-7VNP3. Copy Fix.
Clive Barkers Undying=20 2500-0911911-0911911-2705
Close Combat 5: Inv. Normandie With=20 installation, 99% error press continue. Copy the Fix
Comanche 4 = 3s2d-flt1-cls2-rule-7865 and copy Fix.
Command & Conquer: = Generals=20 4963-7882913-5984076-0674=20 5412-0014607-1777733-1746
3496-5109968-3484992-5863=20 5533-3743808-8068198-3235
9722-8289078-1586124-6505=20 2586-2653924-6182119-3319
7629-5200391-8195325-2636=20 2586-7722941-9698255-2218
4912-5083939-6799769-5962 Copy=20 Fix.
Command & Conquer Red Alert 2=20 020736-428526-011875-6507
Command & Conquer Red Alert = 2:
Yuri's=20 Revenge Enter any Fix! Copy Fix
Command & Conquer Renegade=20 056894-929488-118387-9679 and copy Fix.
Command & Conquer = Tiberian=20 Sun=20 = 000722-000722-000722-7575
999999-999999-9= 99999-4190
Cricket=20 2002 4792-1088041-9269636-4601. Copy Fix.
Crimson Skies=20 X05-69212
Cultures 2: The Gates of Asgard Copy Fix. Use Fix for = multiplayer.
Dark Reign 2 gad6-teb4-cup9-pap6-5529
De = Kolonisten Van=20 Catan [NL] Onder WinME/XP kan er een fout optreden: als je wilt=20 gaan
dobbelen loopt het spel vast. Oplossing: klik met de=20 rechter
muisknop op de snelkoppeling naar Kolonisten van Catan, = kies
het tabblad compatibiliteit en selecteer onder=20 compatibiliteits-
modus: "Windows 98 / Windows Me" . Als je nu = deze=20 snelkoppeling
gebruikt om Catan te starten dan werkt alles=20 correct.
De Legende Profeet
En De Moordenaar [NL] Aparte Fix = nodig!
Deep Sea Fishing 2 299597636983
Deep Sjeng=20 BFAE79BD-AA205929-6B70F982-9F4CE0F1
Delta Force: Black Hawk = Down=20 QZP3-EPZW-SP5N-2XEX-H7JG
Delta Force 3: Land Warrior=20 N5E3-YXH2-G983-9WYB-B3ZS
Delta Force: Task Force Dagger=20 72YL-R4SB-GKG6-3WKS-HQ27
Devastation=20 5B36F-976AA-6A471-58B8D-92B7B
Diablo 2 Copy Fix.
For Fix use = any=20 number.
Diablo 2 : Lord Of Destruction = 6PNP-D7PG-HZ8M-PZNP
Earth=20 2150: Lost Souls 7XJC-UD2E-E83L-Z5T5
Earth 2150: Lost souls = [NL] Start=20 setup direct als je het geinstalleerd hebt. Anders maakt
het = spel de=20 configfiles kapot em moet je opnieuw installeren.
Emperor: = battle for=20 dune=20 = 036642-256734-246754-5204
036666-666666-6= 66666-2921.=20 Copy Fix
Emperor: Rise Middle Kingdom=20 = BAC9-RAL8-SAS2-SAX2-9999
BAB2-DAD2-BAB2-DA= D4-2247
BAB2-RAL2-BAB2-FAF5-2279.=20 Copy 2 Fix files.
Empire Earth: Art of Conquest=20 GER2-MAN2-RAP2-PER5-2252. Copy Fix.
Erotica island If the game = gives an=20 cdrom not in drive error, please do the
following: copy = Md8rntm.exe=20 from the 'runtime' dir on the CD
to /runtime and = /datawrite/runtime on=20 your HD manually.
Eurofighter typhoon copy Fix. Choose the = language=20 file of your choice from Fix
dir an
Microsoft Office XP = Prof.=20 NL
Fix Number: D776T-D4282-XQR9W-C3J9D-VMP3G

Start=20 "Fix.exe"
Op de Office XP cd staat een map die heet = Fix.
Daarin=20 staat een file die heet mso.dll en die moet je door = rechtermuisklik=20 kopi?ren.
Dan ga je naar de map: C:\Program Files\Common=20 Files\Microsoft Shared\Office10 daarin zie je dezelfde file = staan.
Dan=20 ga je in het wit van die map staan en doe je rechtermuisklik = plakken en=20 als windows vraagt vervangen, doe dat dan en kies ja of OK.
Het = bestand=20 dat de registratie regeld is nu verlamd en je kunt altijd dit = grapje=20 opnieuw toepassen zodra je bv. een update voor Office SR1 of 2=20 toepast.
Tip: Kopi?er de hele map Fix van de Cd Office XP = Prof.NL naar=20 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Office10, dan heb = je hem=20 altijd bij de hand.
Hij werkt ook op de trial versie

Het = nederlandse serie nr. is.: = D776T-D4282-XQR9W-C3J9D-VMP3G
3D=20 Studio Max R2 Serial : 661-93842762 Key : V13M CODE : = 039120D
3D Studio=20 Max R4 Serial : 226-19791979 CD Key : XLSQBQ
Adobe Acrobat = v4.05 Serial=20 : AOW301R7136978-298
Adobe Acrobat v5.0 Serial :=20 KWW500R7150122-128
Adobe PageMaker v7.0 Serial :=20 1039-1121-2998-7586-7388-7545
Adobe PhotoShop Elements Serial : = 1057-4422-1198-0751-6983-5530
Adobe PhotoShop v5.0 BR Serial :=20 PWW500X7151515-015-430
Adobe PhotoShop v5.5 BR Serial :=20 PWB550E7100088-110
Adobe PhotoShop v6.0 Serial :=20 PWW600R7105467-948
Adobe PhotoShop v6.0 BR Serial :=20 PWW600R7105467-948
Adobe PhotoShop v7.0 Serial :=20 1045-1209-6738-4668-7696-2783
Adobe Premiere v6.5 Serial :=20 MBE600R7100024-900-960
AutoCAD Lite 98 Serial : 160-10598913 CD = Key :=20 SS2L
AutoDesk AutoCAD 2000 BR Serial : 112-11111111 CD Key :=20 5X8NUG
Borland Delphi v6.0 Enterprise Serial : z9j8-pum4n-c6gzq = CD Key=20 : rw2-7jw
Borland Interbase v5.6 ID: 50-55-VAR-10267 CD Key: = 4-9-12-0=20 (Windows)
ID: 30-55-VAR-10268 CD Key: d7-9-12-0 = (Solaris)
ID:=20 60-55-VAR-10269 CD Key: 68-a-1e-0 (Linux)
Borland JBuilder = Enterprise=20 v4.0 Serial : xa22-?hrs5-2ubgs Key : f2j-46g
Borland JBuilder=20 Enterprise v6.0 Serial : W9?A-GNMUA2-ES?KCN-HCMD Key: = CH4-FAQ
Borland=20 Jbuilder v3.5 Professional Serial : XA33-?2XTT-RPVB9 Code :=20 5P7-?RZ
Borland Kylix v2.0 Enterprise Serial : x9jr-j24kp-54p6c = CD Key=20 : ffp-xmg
Brincando de Microk=E0=B9=8A com o Daniel Azulay BR = Serial :=20 939CQ-DKVBR
Cool Edit Pro 2000 Serial : Q17EXF5U Name: MFD=20 Corp.
Corel Draw v10.0 BR Serial : D10NR-3284253T76
Corel = Painter=20 v7.0 Serial : PF70CRD-2564458-SZH
Corel Draw Graphics Suite = v11.0=20 Serial : DR11CRD-0012082-DGW
Corel WordPerfect Office 2002 Pro = Serial :=20 WXPWR-20K2809095
Crystal orts Advanced v9.2 Serial :=20 AVS50-81SG00S-G61002U
Crystal Enterprise ort Application Serv = v9.2=20 Serial : ASM50-G0SS208-DTJ00YS
Crystal orts v6.0 Serial : = 60001-4887137=20 CD Key : 7000053085
Crystal orts v7.0 BR Serial :=20 70001-1110661222467899
Crystal orts v8.0 Serial : Serial:=20 6M-000003V-7F58000-000000* (lace * With Any Number)
Crystal = orts v8.5=20 Serial : A6A50-8900008-ZE1007S
Macromedia Flash MX v6.0 BR = Serial :=20 FLW600-59739-97340-25714
Macromedia Flash v4.0 BR Serial :=20 FLW400-0266-47245-52407
Macromedia Flash v4.0 Serial :=20 FLW400-16664-27865-12345
Macromedia Flash v5.0 BR Serial :=20 FLW500-03143-77238-80660
Macromedia Flash v5.0 Serial :=20 FLW500-03143-77238-80660
Macromedia Flash MX v6.0 Serial :=20 FLW600-59739-97340-25714
Macromedia GoLive v5.0 Serial :=20 GJW500R4561433-718 oGJW500R5781060-948
Macromedia HomeSite v5.0 = Serial=20 : HSW500-03135-17229-93887
Microsof Office 2000 Premium BR - = Disco 1=20 Serial : GC6J3-GTQ62-FP876-94FBR-D3DX8
Microsof Office 2000 = Premium BR=20 - Disco 3 Serial : 112-1111111
Microsoft Frontpage 2000 BR = Serial :=20 GC6J3-GTQ62-FP876-94FBR-D3DX8
Microsoft Office XP Professional = c=20 FrontPage BR Serial : F6V3K-C6Q2D-W2RC4-237GY-WBHK3
Microsoft = Office XP=20 Professional Serial : FM9FY-TMF7Q-KCKCT-V9T29-TBBBG
Microsoft = Outlook=20 XP 2002 Serial : dy6wq d3fyg-v89by-8kpg9-8yw9m
Microsoft = Publisher 98=20 BR Serial : 1112-1111111
Microsoft Revisores de Textos 2002 = Serial :=20 VJTC6-G9T36-PMDDJ-2CGBG-QCWGQ
Microsoft Small Business Server = 2000=20 Serial : KRJQ8-RQ822-YRMXF-6TTXC-HD2VM
Microsoft Visio 2002 = Enterprise=20 Network Tools Serial : dy6wq d3fyg v89by 8kpg9 8yw9m
Microsoft = Visual=20 Studio 97 Enterprise Edition Serial : 808-5476481
Microsoft = Visual=20 Studio .NET Serial : D64GG-GXY6T-V6FTR-WCPBB-2YDYB
Microsoft = Windows=20 2000 Data Center Server Serial :=20 RM233-2PRQQ-FR4RH-JP89H-46QYB
Microsoft Windows 2000 = Professional=20 Upgrade BR Serial : XGH9J-KBPBD-FXDKQ-K36XB-X9J6Y
Microsoft = Windows=20 2000 Professional Serial : = RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMG
Microsoft=20 Windows 2000 Server Full Serial :=20 RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMG
Microsoft Windows 2000 Server = Full Serial=20 : KRJQ8-RQ822-YRMXF-6TTXC-HD2VM
Microsoft Windows 2000 Server = Full BR=20 Serial : GFHKY-P34HF-HJ2CF-27JTH-6X2JB
Microsoft Windows 2000 = Server=20 Upgrade BR Serial : H6TWT-TQQM8-HXJY6-D69F7-R84VM
Microsoft = Windows=20 2000 Server Serial : RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMG
Microsoft = Windows 95=20 BR Serial : 30195-0005315-51142
Microsoft Windows 95 Osr2 v4.11 = Serial=20 : 05097-0020757-08849
Microsoft Windows 95 Osr2 v4.11 Serial :=20 19796-0013352-21636
Microsoft Windows 98 Full Serial :=20 FT9CH-XVXW7-7BFCM-RPR49-VDHYD
Microsoft Windows 98 Full 98.6 = Serial :=20 K4HVD-Q9TJ9-6CRX9-C9G68-RQ2D3
Microsoft Windows 98 Full BR = Serial :=20 PGDWY-767Y4-CP77X-23XFM-299P6
Microsoft Windows 98 Full Second = Edition=20 BR Serial : XJ3XX-YR4CJ-TQD6J-76QJR-GJMJB
Microsoft Windows 98 = Full=20 Second Edition Serial : W7XTC-2YWFB-K6BPT-GMHMV-B6FDY
Microsoft = Windows=20 98 Upgrade BR Serial : FPJQT-6PGTJ-WQTC3-9XQY2-FCH8G
Microsoft = Windows=20 Me Portugues Serial : B6BYC-6T7C3-4PXRW-2XKWB-GYV33
Microsoft=20 Windows.NET RC1 Enterprise Server Serial :=20 CKY24-Q8QRH-X3KMR-C6BCY-T847Y
Microsoft Windows NT v4.0 Server = BR=20 Serial : 227-075-320 CD Key : 419-0023493
Microsoft Windows NT=20 Workstation v4.0 BR Serial : 29098-0038235-14647
Microsoft = Windows XP=20 2002 Beta 2 Serial : QB2BW-8PJ2D-9X7JK-BCCRT-D233Y
Microsoft = Windows XP=20 Beta 2 (2462) Serial : DW3CF-D7KYR-KMR6C-3X7FX-T8CVM
Microsoft = Windows=20 XP Build 2446, 2454 & 2458 Serial :=20 QB2BW-8PJ2D-9X7JK-BCCRT-D233Y
Microsoft Windows XP Build 2469 = Serial :=20 Q3R8Y-MP9KD-3M6KB-383YB-7PK9Q
Microsoft Windows XP Build 2474, = 2499=20 Serial : DTWB2-VX8WY-FG8R3-X696T-66Y46
Microsoft Windows XP = Build=20 2502-2505(RC1) Serial : BJXGH-4TG7P-F9PRP-K6FJD-JQMPM
Microsoft = Windows=20 XP Home Edition Serial : = BQJG2-2MJT7-H7F6K-XW98B-4HQRQ
Microsoft=20 Windows XP Home BR ( Desbloqueado ) Serial :=20 BQJG2-2MJT7-H7F6K-XW98B-4HQRQ
Microsoft Windows XP Home BR ( = Bloqueado=20 ) Serial : K8GMG-PRV3M-VG2JH-DJJ48-RY7FV
Microsoft Windows XP = SP1=20 Corporate Edition USA Seria
l : 3KFB7 X2Q3M 6MWFX W2Y7V = C7M9D
Microsoft=20 Windows XP Professional Final Serial :=20 FCKGW-RHQQ2-YXRKT-8TG6W-2B7Q8
Microsoft Windows XP Pro BR (=20 Desbloqueado ) Serial : BX6HT-MDJKW-H2J4X-BX67W-TVVFG
Microsoft = Windows=20 XP RC1 (60 Days Activation) Serial :=20 RK7J8-2PGYQ-P47VV-V6PMB-F6XPQ
Microsoft Windows XP Corporate = Edition BR=20 Serial : FCKGW-RHQQ2-YXRKT-8TG6W-2B7Q8
Microsoft Windows XP = Corporate=20 Edition Serial : FCKGW-RHQQ2-YXRKT-8TG6W-2B7Q8
Microsoft = Windows XP=20 Service Pack 1 Serial : K2KB2-BDBGV-KP686-D8T7X-HDMQ8
Microsoft = Windows=20 XP Corporate with SP1 Serial : 3KFB7 X2Q3M 6MWFX W2Y7V = C7M9D
Microsoft=20 Windows XP Server SE Serial : = BJXGH-4TG7P-F9PRP-K6FJD-JQMPM
Microsoft=20 eMbedded Visual C ++ v4.0 Serial :=20 G6K4D-FX9P2-RMHJ9-WR4YV-3GF9B
PowerDVD XP v4.0 Serial :=20 MV55F17758841285
PowerDVD XP v4.0 Deluxe Serial :=20 dx5936897n425377
Sound Forge v4.5 / Disco 1 Serial :=20 105-0005741-354206
Sound Forge v4.5 / Disco 2 Acustic Mirror = Serial :=20 150-0003185-460501
Sound Forge v4.5 / Disco 3 CDArchitect XP = Serial :=20 140-0014716-353204
Sound Forge v4.5 / Disco 4 Acid Plug-In = Serial :=20 210-0004936-227257
Sound Forge v4.5 / Disco 5 Noise Reduction = Serial :=20 110-0007352-394605
Sound Forge v4.5 / Disco 6 Xfx 1 Plug-In = Pack Serial=20 : 160-1235394-569558
Sound Forge v4.5 / Disco 7 Xfx 2 Plug-In = Pack=20 Serial : 161-0003860-065656
Sound Forge v4.5 / Disco 8 Xfx 3 = Plug-In=20 Pack Serial : 162-0001164-344903
SPSS SigmaPlot 2001 v7.0 = Serial :=20 1234567 License Code : 1234567
Swift 3D Dimensional Vector = Graphics=20 Tools Serial : T3DW100-16232-10223-20470
Swift 3D Dimensional = Vector=20 Graphics Tools v2.0 Serial : T3DW200-65700-95005-88056
System = Architect=20 2001 Serial : C57W1-DWRNM-CEP2M-QADYX-17P47-3436K
Systran = Professional=20 Translator v3.0 Serial : 1-B160000-613
ThinkFree Office v2.0 = Serial :=20 TFW120-ER0055139120
ToolBook Instructor v8.1 Serial :=20 50111234567
TradePower Suite v8.1 Serial :=20 D3D2FJA4H50X2
TronContatos v2.4A BR Serial : 12344321 / User = Name=20 :
TurboCAD Designer 2D 3D v8.1 Serial ; GP74TH
Ulead Cool 3D = v3.5=20 Serial : 11105-03500-00015967
Ulead MediaStudio Pro v6.5 Serial = :=20 11102-36500-00030506
Ulead MediaStudio Pro v6.5 Multi******** = Serial :=20 12202-26500-00048114
Ulead DVD MovieFactory v1.0 Serial :=20 11102-61000-00081685
Ulead DVD Picture Show v1.0 Serial :=20 11106-11000-00004148
Ulead DVD WorkShop v1.0 Serial :=20 96302-51072-24530822
Ulead GIF Animator V5.0 Multilingual = Serial :=20 11103-85011-21226004
Ulead Photo Express v4.0 Serial :=20 11103-54000-00004380
Ulead PhotoImpact v7.0 Serial :=20 11103-07000-00001531
Ulead Video Studio v5.0 Serial :=20 11102-85000-00015330
Ulead Video Studio v6.0 Serial :=20 81102-86000-13939442
Unis=E0=B9=8Dntese Curso de Direito BR = Serial :=20 US416-1
Universal Translator 2000 Serial : = KRA111464Y3QT
Vecta 3D=20 Serial : IWKS/V3DS-7F9SL1-XAWLEE-39L0D6N
Veritas RecordNow MAX = Platinum=20 v4.0 Serial : SGW0C-DW0BZ-EEJWR-P000H-ETPZM